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Dark GDK / Cannot Convert int to string

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Posted: 28th Apr 2010 02:09
I am taking a great Dark Basic tutorial, and turning it into Dark GDK as I go along, as I am unwilling to pay $60 for an inferior compiler(DB). This has gone fine, until I needed it to display the ammo on the screen. In the tutorial, I needed to convert an integer to a string. I new to give: int ammo=5000; instead of: ammo#=5000. However, to display it on the screen, I needed to convert it to a string. This totally lost me, because I could tell right off the bat that the code they used wouldn't work for me, because it had many Dark Basic principles.
Here is the code they used:

Here is what I have so far in Dark GDK:

And here is the finished project in Dark Basic:

Does this help? And please help me! I was really having fun!

And thank you too.

I am new to Dark GDK. However, I love it! It is really easy, fun, and makes perfect sense.


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Location: <script> alert(1); </script>
Posted: 28th Apr 2010 15:21
use sprintf:

Bran flakes91093
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Posted: 28th Apr 2010 21:41

Are you trying to decrement 'ammo'? Use "ammo--;" to decrement it by one or "ammo -= 5" to decrement it by 5. Also change 'enemyhp'.

"A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing."
Emo Philips
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Posted: 29th Apr 2010 08:25
If this works in DB:

You can do this in C++:

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