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Dark GDK / cout problem

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Posted: 2nd May 2010 19:41
Whenever I attempt to print some debug info via cout, I get a whole load of linker errors:

Can anyone explain why this is? Is there a different way I should be using to output text?

I was attempting to output the scancode of the currently pressed key.
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Posted: 2nd May 2010 20:09
cout can't be used with dgdk ( or directx generally ), if mi not mistaken, it's only for dos applications, you can use dbText to show text on screen:

dbText ( x, y, str );

also, note that if you want to show some variables in the string, use sprintf

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Posted: 2nd May 2010 20:33
Ah I see. My experience is mostly with OpenGL.
Out of curiosity, why exactly can't I use cout with DirectX?

Here is how I am outputting text for anyone who finds this thread with a similar problem:
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Posted: 2nd May 2010 20:39
the cout and cin classes are used in DOS applications(at the very least) for text display and retrieval, because GDK is a Win32 application (which uses directX), these won't work.

if you want to display debug text, you can use the GDK text commands (under Text in the documentation) or you can use the DirectX font method, which is faster/looks nicer, but is more complicated. here is a nice tut I used to learn about directx text.

hope that makes sense

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Posted: 2nd May 2010 20:48
Well, you can if you really want to...

All you have to do is create a new output-stream that emits the characters to the back-buffer [bitmap(0)] and assign it to the std::cout value. An aweful lot of work to send text to the screen if you ask me, but it IS possible... LOL

Personally, I would just stick with the dbText() approach.

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Posted: 2nd May 2010 20:50 Edited at: 2nd May 2010 20:50
also, if you are drawing alot of text, with different colors and styles, GDK's dbText won't be the best choice, you can study some directX for better results, or use my little text plugin:

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