"Not really. DarkBASIC is a basic language coded in C/C++ and most of the commands are not present in other BASIC languages."
well...that's partially correct:
- DarkBASIC commands are implemented through the use of C++, and the compiler uses assembly. this is true (at least partially, or inverted) of many BASICs
MOST commands from
MOST BASIC languages exist elsewhere. the specific case in point (ie. DarkBASIC) is a wrapper for DirectX...therefore, you'll find many of the commands from a 'standard' BASIC exist in DBPro, but the graphics commands (and memory handling, etc.) commands will not be present in other BASICs
as for being new to programming and not knowing which 3D modelling package to use...well...the two are unrelated
even the biggest and best games out there in the market use dummy objects while they are being programmed. you'll not find one program out there that is using the original art.
here's a suggestion for you: drop the modelling altogether. if you want to learn to program, you'll be challenged enough. no point in complicating things with trying to model. furthermore, you won't have enough time in the next two years to learn both
and be very good at either. sorry...it's just how it goes.
best off to find a buddy who's interested in modelling and then you can team up. it'll be a better (and less frustrating) experience for both of you.
-= i only do what my rice krispies tell me to do =-