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3 Dimensional Chat / Anim8tor

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Posted: 13th Nov 2002 18:18
i was wondering is it possible to make a person in Anim8tor,
add bones, animate, export as 3DS and then convert to x with the convertor tool in DB and still have all the animation and right textures/colors?

you see ive made the walking bird from the tutorial and coverted it to x.

regardless of the fact that i cant do the animation thing in
DB yet i just want to know im not waisting my time.

thanx for any help
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Posted: 13th Nov 2002 18:30
hmm I think it is impossible to export the animation of an object built in anim8or, you can build it and export it and use it fine with al the correct textures in the right places, I have done this previously and just manipulated the individual limbs within DB1 for the animation side(still working on DBP and limbs) but I have a good feeling I had to do that as it will not export the animation files you can create within anim8or.

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Posted: 14th Nov 2002 22:04
it seems to be that the only way to do character animations is to buy a software package

ah well ill just stick to static objects for now
al least anim8tor is really good at that

thanx again
Shadow Robert
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Posted: 15th Nov 2002 00:26
could try out JT's JTEdit below, might take a little to get used to - but is pretty decent

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!
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Posted: 15th Nov 2002 07:47
i dont like anim8er thats all i have to say...

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Posted: 15th Nov 2002 14:16
My god that last post was helpful...

Yeah try JTEdit and Milkshape...

Matto:Love your avatar man...Gatchaman!

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Posted: 15th Nov 2002 18:53
lol... reminds me more of Gekigengar

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Posted: 15th Nov 2002 19:30
Gekigengar was a super-robot anime while Kagaku Ninjatai Gatchaman was a team of young acrobats with ultra-skills...They made a more recent series(1999 I think).

Anyways both of them were good and Gatchaman made Japanimation rise in America thanks to the good music and awesome action...

Wasn't it in Vandread series that there was a guy completely hooked on old Geki. series and couldn't even go to action while listening to those damned Japanese are so caricaturesque. lmao

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Posted: 16th Nov 2002 03:38
hahaa... i don't remember seeing Gekigengar as a seperate series, only as part of Mars Sucessor Nadesco
in that there is a whole race called Johivians who based they're entire culture on Geki its quite funny

theres another series which that goes into as well... i can't remember thou. Saw the entire Urotoji-erm something movies on DvD 1-5 and yay i finally say the 5th one in English, uptil now its been in Jap. And all that actually patched into Violence Jack as well hehee.
They love jumping thier movies and series together.

i've finally also got a copy of Plastic Little, thats must see TV tonite

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Posted: 16th Nov 2002 05:44
anim8er is BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD... ok heres some real help... use 3d canvas... milkshape3d... 3dstudio max... lightwave.. blender.. cinema4d... ANYTHING BUT ANIM8ER

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Posted: 16th Nov 2002 05:49
Whats wrong with anim8or?
I Heard its only good for none game modeling like rendering and stuff.
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Posted: 16th Nov 2002 05:51
you heard right

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Posted: 16th Nov 2002 12:24
some people like it ... i wonder why, but then again i also wonder why people use Max willingly

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Posted: 16th Nov 2002 21:40
I'd never made modeling b4 anim8or, and I could learn a lot with that Maybe anim8or ain't good for some tasks, but the creater is a cool guy who always answered my doubts and possible bugs when I needed. All that, it has free tutorials and some other nice things. And, it's totally free, I think the guy deserves respect in making it free, and it's better to say what the program is not good for instead saying it's totally bad. Then u guys get so mad when someone comes in here and say good about another programing language... It's the same thing...

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Posted: 17th Nov 2002 01:08
never said i never liked it
just said it isn't one of my favourite tools.
support might be good, but so is Milkshapes - Mete's english is getting alot better recently

probably why i prefer milkshape over the highend tools, because the Mete listens to what people want - just as Caligari do, the guys for that are always in the forums chatting its good to know you're not chatting against a brick wall. Maya used to be like that but since they expanded don't think anyone has the time which is a shame

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Posted: 17th Nov 2002 13:47

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Posted: 18th Nov 2002 14:21
Raven...You know Violence Jack...Those're pretty good movies...Of course they're Go Nagai's

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Posted: 18th Nov 2002 22:41

A little while ago I saw a post where the person pointed towards Anim8tor as a program
that would create objects and characters for use in Dark Basic. As a result I downloaded it
and have been trying to get up to speed in it so I could create Mecha and Ships for a game
project that I have always wanted to make.

Now I see that Anim8tor was not perhaps the way to go. So before I get further into it
will Anim8tor create Workable models for use in DARKBASIC and the 3D Games Creator

As always, any help comments or suggestions wil be apprecaited!!!

Thank You


The Darthster
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Posted: 19th Nov 2002 00:48
Anim8or creates good enough models for me. For spaceships it should be fine, as they have few or no moving parts. However I use UVMapper to make a texture map for the object and apply it at run-time so nothing gets confused. Also I don't make the animations in anim8or, since I prefer to use real-time animations that can be interpolated and the like. Instead I create the model out of a bunch of meshes, these come out as limbs in DB, thus allowing me to rotate and manipulate them.
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Posted: 19th Nov 2002 09:36
no true Manga/Animé fan doesn't know of them.
Man I know so many movies, but i can never remember the names - most of the time i end up watching the Jap version and its different to the english so i remember the name and then remember i've gotta remember the translation hahaa

most of the older ones are like Appleseed, Machinegun-46, Blue Gender (loved the actual Manga comic of it), Evangeleon, erm what else Castle-somthing (can't remember english name) the really weird ones with the Samurai, Gangster and guy that looks like an older version of Mandark from dexter's lab

3x3eyes... thats one i've set to see in english
and i've seen bubblegum crisis but not ADpolice which was the previous saga.
Ultimate Teacher, thats a funny one. Vampire Hunter-D, LA Blue -

probably best to stop there cause i could go on for hours hehee.

best i've seen so far was Vampire Murimai, only Manga i've seen with duel English and Japanese and is no different for either language. Its so cool, cause there is like 5 demons who have come into town and they take over the bodies of people, leaving alot of dead and exploded people.
Murimai is a Vampress who is being watched by some government agency and transfers to the school where this is all happening. Finds out that the Nurse recently transfered from Japan and seems to think that something isn't right with some of the students.
A whole conspiricy plot which is more up the USA's alley than manga. Definatly was a very enjoyable watch

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Posted: 20th Nov 2002 10:32
hey darthster
do you mean that you make the arms and legs and body and stuff in Anim8tor and use limbs in DB?

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Posted: 23rd Nov 2002 18:22
Raven, any true animé fan would understand that manga means drawing, not the Films/programs you're on about. Animé is a style of drawing, it isn't manga

The Darthster
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Posted: 24th Nov 2002 01:16
Yeah, that's what I mean. I haven't actually modelled people in anim8or, but I've done a couple of tanks and spacecraft, with rotating turrets and the like. The limb commands in DB are far easier than messing about with bone animation in anim8or I find.
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Posted: 24th Nov 2002 12:09
Hmmm in my opinion i think that animé technically does mean the animated stuff, and manga the drawn. But manga has been widely used in 'the west' to mean both manga and anime... , for instance, search on for manga and anime in video/dvd. You'll get far more hits on manga.

BTW Raven was that Castle Caliogstro?
And why'd you buy Plastic Little? That film has way too much unnecessary nudity



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Posted: 24th Nov 2002 12:13
oh yeah, and actually on-topic, I used anim8or for a while and acheived virtually nothing, i think its style didn't suit me. The one thing i missed was an extrude-type command. So i switched to Wings3D, and now im having lots of fun with what i think is a far superior program



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Posted: 24th Nov 2002 20:44
i know Plastic Little was hehee
and yeah i think thats the movie(s) i was on about, there like a few of 'em but most peeps have only seen the one with that freaky old professor who if i remember is trying to become immortal or something lol

Manga may mean Comic in japanese... but there is a ACTUAL company called MANGA who made almost 80% of the Animé
including some of the best on the market, suchas Perfect Blue, Ghost in the Shell and Dominion Tank Police
they also had Comic and Volume lines.

Kinda get annoyed with guys who think "ahh your not a true fan if you don't call it Japanimation or Animé!" cause thats just proves how lil you actually know about them

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Posted: 25th Nov 2002 14:31
Both mangas and dogas are close but manga used to be more caricaturesque for it wasn't really made for the rest of the world contrarly to MUCH animated series but I'm talking about 1976 when the invasion started and since then,they kinda merged keeping respectively the artist's different styles..

As for the biggest company,it is by any doubt Toei Doga which without their sponsorship wouldn't have given birth to AD vision and alot of other succesful companies.

Personally,Reiji Matsumoto and Shingo Araki are my favorite artists...

Older Japanime musics used to RULE!Now IMHO it's too commercial...I mean,you had those great classical music composers at the time such as Shunsuke Kikuchi and now...just feels to empty without the voices of Isao Sasaki and Kageyama Hironobu.

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Posted: 25th Nov 2002 16:39
hehee... yeah i kinda like the old style music - but the best has goto be that for the earli '90s stuff.
Can't remember the name of the guy (you've probably already named him lol) but he used voices instead of instraments.
Was very cool (^_^)

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Philip 1337
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Posted: 25th Nov 2002 18:13
How do animate with 3D Canvas?

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Posted: 25th Nov 2002 18:18
Mesh deform is almost the same except you'll need to use the 'skin' which in fact is much better.

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Posted: 13th Feb 2003 12:30
wow the topic changed from anim8or to manga then to 3d canvas... lol

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Posted: 13th Feb 2003 13:51

anim8tor is not bad tool...its free, no costs. Its not max or maya but for beying free its great tool.
And its true, if you mail to autor for help, he always answer...that guy have my respect, he is doing it for FREE! Thats not so common nowadays.

BUT you cant export animations and as much as I tryed, it cant export bone structure, making it useful for making non animated objects or objects which limbs are restricted to movement/rotation around its origin point.

That means that you can make tank with turning turret or wheels but you cant make human like model walking...

If you want to do such, use Milkshape, if I can recomend to you. Its not expensive-its in fact cheap and you can do everithing there you need in DB -model,texturing,animating.
And...if keeping some rules export all to .x format.

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Posted: 14th Feb 2003 01:30
Anim8or is cool, but I like Wings 3D better. It's got a nicer interface. The reason I started using Anim8or and stopped using Wings was because I wanted to have animation, but then I found out that you can't. And anyway, in Wings, all the things look shiny. Shiny objects are good.

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Posted: 14th Feb 2003 11:20
well i found out a way to animate the anim8or files... sortof...

I found on the internet that makes anim8or export all the frames into 3ds files but the problem is that i dont know how to put them together and make them one.

I'll tell you the website if you tell me a software that can make them one.


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