I'm not sure about the limbs option. The only thing I have really done with limbs is using them for animations based on the already stored limbs in a 3d .x file.
I'm not sure why it just sits there and blinks! o_O You may try increasing the "move object bala, 10" to something like "move object bala, 50" for testing.
I can understand the need for a bullet if it is going to be used for a slow projectile for rockets or such, but If you are going to be using it for collision, be careful.
Let's say that when your bullet flies out of the gun, it is positioned at 0,0,0. Then next screen refresh, it will be at 0,0,10 then 0,0,
20 then 0,0,
Now, what if you have an enemy that is 2 units wide and is standing at 0,0,25? Your bullet will have to hit between 0,0,24 and 0,0,26 to hit him. It will surely miss if it is traveling at a rate of 10, (hence the numbers in bold above) and you can't slow the bullet down to "move object bala, 1" because then it will travel reeeeeeaaaaalllly slow....
At this point you would probably get frustrated... but thankfully, someone pointed you towards "
Sparky's Collision DLL" (me
) and mentioned that you should look into "raycasting" for figuring out bullet collisions. This will open up quite a few doors, and may even be a step towards programming enemy AI to find the player based on sight and many other useful... erm, uses.
Not only can you tell what object was hit, but you can even get the X, Y, and Z values of the precise point of collision. Could be very useful for leaving bullet holes, placing explosions, possibly making waypoints, and etc. With a little coding, you can even set it up to shoot through multiple targets, through walls, and other things.
Quite handy, indeed! I know this is quite a long winded post, but I am about to go home from work and am giddy with the knowledge that I have a weekend off from work and family.
Hopefully, though, you can look into Sparky's Collision to help you with firing bullets. I am sure it will benefit you in the long run.
My green thumb grew the tree my Trojan War horse was crafted from. With roses in our pockets we rally round the tombstones. Ashes to ashes, we all fall down.