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Dark GDK .NET / [STICKY] Pong Game for DarkGDK.NET - As simple as possible

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Joined: 18th Aug 2009
Location: Greece
Posted: 31st May 2010 02:27
Here you get the source code and study how I made a simple pong game for DarkGDK.NET using C#. I tried to keep it as short and simple as possible but as highly extensible and reusable as it gets (like adding n balls or n players).

Also, I see that there are many VB.NET users here, that's why I have included a VB.NET version of the game (it's converted with SharpDevelop. The automatically generated code might have a but strange syntax but I tested it and worked fine).

However, my code design is not the final solution, It just seemed OK to me and I let it work that way. Make freely any modifications according to your ideas if you think they are good.

From this moment, this code is free for everyone. I know that there are not many tutorials for DarkGDK.NET but I hope that this will change soon. This code will help you create your own tutorials. Go ahead and post it to your blog, make some videos or whatever you like.

Have fun!

P.S. Download the attachment.


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Posted: 31st May 2010 13:16

Thanks for posting your source as well. I'll make the post sticky for the benefit of the forum


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Joined: 18th Aug 2009
Location: Greece
Posted: 31st May 2010 14:06
Wow, I like stickies... Thanks!

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