Yep I can model Higgins, but I mean...why bother to go through all that work in making a "reformed" stair model, just so that the entity can follow waypoints up and down 'em? You ought to be able to do this anyways. Know what I mean
I wish I had the answer why this was annoying me (especially on a bad day). This was so unexpected behavior hence the title of this post (thinking it would be a good way to draw attention to this...). Never meant to be so stiffled by this though 'cause then it gets me thinking that there is something wrong with everything else I have on my machines. In any case don't mean to offend anyone else if I did
I did notice however - that when I right-clicked to edit the properties of the character tied to the waypoint. That the waypoint path was slightly elevated above the staircase.----------
So there's a ver 1.17? I went to the fpsc site but couldn't see anything in the files.
Flatlander: I've tried almost every way imaginable, but I can't seem to do that in my version (1.16). I honestly never had this noticeable amount of trouble before
I want to download your fpm so I can see for myself though.
My trouble seems to be when the character-entity gets right to the top of the stairs, then starts to twitter and get stuck. This has also happened when building my own (seh..) building models. And the floors have to be just right because if they aren't the character does the same thing once in-game. Happened at first with my road-segments too.