Q basic code
LET INKEY$ = press$
LOOP UNTIL press$ = "q"
after q (quit) is pressed, the program will end.
And all through my Qbasic Days i used a keyboard table just like that which hung up on my wall.
Visual basic key movement:
Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = specified numb Then
element.left = element.left + 30 'Move Right
If KeyCode = specified numb Then 'Move up
element.top = element.top - 30
If KeyCode = specified numb Then 'Move left
element.left = element.left - 30
If KeyCode = specified numb Then 'Move down
element.top = element.top + 30
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Don't ask why i just posted that....maybe cause i am bored..lol
A Dream is a Dream unless it is Real