''You have broken the AUP here more than he has. While he has come here asking an innocent question, you've practically flamed him for it. Not only that, but... you weren't helpful at all and haven't contributed to the thread's purpose. I believe that is against the board rules here.''
I was only trying to give an advice,something like a friendly advice, i didn't figured i was flaming him,and i'm TOTALY sure i didn't flamed him,and we better stop talking about it before some MOD get here and close the thread!(i'm not flaming now,i gezz
returning to his question, in the guide you can find a giant tutorial to also make your own script, i don't remember in with update the manual comes, but he stay in the docs document in the folder you installed the fpsc.
OR download in the forum if you didn't find it,
here is the link for the corresponding thread, were you can download it
(sorry i don't know if i'm supose to give links in that way)
if not...tell me...
mods for creating a inteligent game,at least