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FPS Creator X10 / fpsc on xp - work

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Posted: 11th Jul 2010 02:02
Hi all,
now i have idea...
now i am going to run fps x10 on xp...
i tink x10 will work on:

-direct x11
-windows xp + windows 7 pach for windows xp(not win7 theme)
-good graphic card

i tink will work....
i tink...
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Posted: 11th Jul 2010 02:20
Fps creator doesn't work on dx11...

People are boring...
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Posted: 11th Jul 2010 03:05
If you are talking about Virtual PC, then I have no idea. If I had 7 I could try.

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Posted: 11th Jul 2010 03:16
i talking about windows 7 patch for xp...
maybe the properties in my computer says winows 7 patch for xp...and start menu is like win7 and icons and all...
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Posted: 11th Jul 2010 03:23
No. Patches for XP will never work. VPC may though, but you need W7 to use it.

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Posted: 11th Jul 2010 06:08
no it won't work... it need Directx 10.1 plus a few other files not related to directx... that only work in Windows vista/7...

So no it won't work
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Posted: 11th Jul 2010 08:27
Quote: "Fps creator doesn't work on dx11..."

*LAUGH* Then my DX11 ATI HD 5570 can't run it even
though I can and I only have X9 and X11 installed.
Seriously though, yes. X11 can support FPSC X10.

In response to this thread. Upgrade to Windows 7.
The horrors of Vista are over. It's time to upgrade.


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Posted: 11th Jul 2010 13:34
sorry i mean dx10...
and what is VPC?
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Posted: 11th Jul 2010 18:33 Edited at: 11th Jul 2010 18:45
VPC is Virtual PC. It is similar to VMWare. Allows you to run a computer inside a computer. I have been running VMWare for years and it has been great for running XP inside Vista, or W2K Server, Linux, etc. Unfortunately, some games do not run in VMWare. I am not familiar with Virtual PC, but I do know that FPSC will not run in VMWare. That's because VMWare uses a standard video driver that is a "bridge" between the host and guest machine. You will not get the same graphic abilities in VMWare as you do on the host machine. I would assume that Virtual PC is the same concept, unless others have more info on it.

- BlackFox

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Posted: 11th Jul 2010 20:38
Then i must install Windows 7?
But can i make x9 entity properties be like x10? sorry for bad eglish
i mean that in character properties i can change:
-at start
-if see
-if triggered
-if hurt
-hurt value
-can strafe?
-can ducl?
-can hear?
-has weapon
-Loaded weapon?
-Can Take Weapon? in x10
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Posted: 12th Jul 2010 01:15
Only thing i'm gunna say to this thread is :

X10 will never work on xp, you can try all the patches/hacks/Virtual Windows you wan't, it will just not never work. You need Windows Vista or 7 to run it....

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SikaSina Games
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Posted: 12th Jul 2010 01:39

FPSC X10 on XP - Fail.

All that a DX10 hack for XP'll do is mess up your GPU and cause your syztem to run matter what you hear about DX10 working on XP, it will not work FULL STOP.


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Posted: 12th Jul 2010 02:04
My question is:How i can trasfer x10 entity properties to x9 entity properties...i need that because x10 has more things to choose than x9...

Le Shorte
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Posted: 12th Jul 2010 02:15
Quote: "My question is:How i can trasfer x10 entity properties to x9 entity properties...i need that because x10 has more things to choose than x9...

Mod it yourself.

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Posted: 12th Jul 2010 03:13 Edited at: 12th Jul 2010 03:14
I need at least two years to teach coding.
And i need two years to make mod for FPSC.
That is FOUR years!

For four years FPSC will be like COD 6...

I will pay someone to transfer x10 entity properties to x9 entity properties.....please
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Posted: 12th Jul 2010 03:23
Quote: "My question is:How i can trasfer x10 entity properties to x9 entity properties...i need that because x10 has more things to choose than x9...

you can't X10 uses a special version of Darkbasic made just for X10.... the source code wont work with the X9 version and vise versa
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Posted: 12th Jul 2010 09:43
Quote: "And i need two years to make mod for FPSC."

Acturly many people can make a mod within months without having to learn much

To convert the files from x10 to x9, all you need to do is copy the files folder in your x10 directory into your x9 directory

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Posted: 12th Jul 2010 11:34
where i can find source code for x9?
how i can learn coding?
where i can find tut?
what is source code?
how i can change source code?
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Posted: 12th Jul 2010 14:39 Edited at: 12th Jul 2010 14:40
Lets make this 100% clear i have run many tests on many systems for the Specifications thread for X10. The following are 100% true and will answer almost any questions you may have about FPSC X10 support.

- FPSC X10 CAN NOT run on any virtual machine they lack the graphics support needed to run the app and are very buggy if they work at all as most run without the use of a graphics accelerator.
- FPSC X10 WILL NOT and NEVER will run on XP, XP does not support DirectX10 whatever you may have heard. These builds for XP are full of bugs and often things such as key loggers and trogens you are very silly to install it on your PC even a virtual machine.
- FPSC X10 is for X10 or X10.1 (X11 is buggy at the moment and users get many issues with it) NOT X9
- It is impossible to make Direct X10 run on any card under the minimum listed on the specs thread, trust me i have tried many times.
- The specs thread is there for a reason use it to talk about this stuff, or better yet search for it and it will save us allot of hassle answering these questions again.

Hope that has cleared everything up, if a mod can lock this to stop any replies that will try to argue this fact.

Refer further questions here that is where it belongs.

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Posted: 16th Jul 2010 04:36
DX11 for Windows 7 with FPS Creator X10 works fine.
How do I know? Because I have both.

It runs like a charm here with no lags what so ever.
But might not be the case with everyone else.

Aero Files offers you high quality assets in the FPS Creatore store. Go there now.
Red Eye
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Posted: 16th Jul 2010 13:54
Lol, wont work because simple reason... that nobody mentioned. The windows 7 and x10+ pipeline is way different then xp and x9-.

The Next
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Posted: 16th Jul 2010 21:56
Quote: "DX11 for Windows 7 with FPS Creator X10 works fine.
How do I know? Because I have both. "

So do i on 1 of my PC's and so do the other people that have had issues if you don't have issues lucky you but other do so for that reason it will be listed as buggy still.

Quote: "It runs like a charm here with no lags what so ever.
But might not be the case with everyone else."

Very wise thing to add.

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Posted: 19th Jul 2010 02:21
But why winxp cant run x10?
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Posted: 19th Jul 2010 03:17
Because X10 hates XP because one day... STORY TIME

X10 was walking down the path of being built and decided to take a ride on XP. XP decided that X10's graphics and other such was to heavy to handel and startedto make beaping sounds with flashing errors because of that day X10 has decided to never be with XP again and is now married to Vista Windows Vista and Windows 7

X10 is a player

Who da man?!
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Posted: 19th Jul 2010 11:27
Lmao i love it, there should be a button to paste that in the message box.

X10 is too good for XP, XP simply lacks the power to run X10 and if you tried you would just get a whole load of nothing.

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Posted: 20th Jul 2010 18:27
is there any mod for x9 like x10 window?
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Posted: 20th Jul 2010 18:37 Edited at: 20th Jul 2010 18:41
If by that you mean window refraction, then i dont think so as it uses X10 shaders but this isn't the place to ask we only do FPSC X10 here so most of us wont have any idea what X9 mods do.

EDIT: I think the only one that may just do it is EFX mod.

I suggest you go and visit the X9 boards and post there asking any questions you may have.

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Posted: 21st Jul 2010 21:05
Quote: "But why winxp cant run x10?"

Because Windows XP does not include specialized drivers that windows vista and 7 do. The drivers are stuff for DX10 and some other display drivers that will never ever work in XP due to the different coding. All these mods for XP you see are normally fake because DirectX10 and Directx11 was only designed to run on windows vista and windows 7 and XP is missing tons of lines of code that is specialy put into vista and 7.

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Posted: 22nd Jul 2010 16:22 Edited at: 22nd Jul 2010 16:23
ok....i have EFX mod....but i dont know how to save water,blom and other in standalone game....i know there is script and i know there is search button but i cant find and i dont know where to put script and how to change water in script and
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Posted: 22nd Jul 2010 17:34 Edited at: 22nd Jul 2010 21:06
We can't help with that as we are not the efx team and most of us don't use fpsc x9.

Try the x9 boards

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Posted: 22nd Jul 2010 20:38
I can

Yeah, if you search the scripts forum for EFX you should find some scripts there. Most of them wont work though due to them being for the old 1.9.5 and not 2.0.2

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Posted: 23rd Jul 2010 15:14
ok...thanks...what is best mod for fpsc?
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Posted: 23rd Jul 2010 21:39
project blue

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Posted: 2nd Sep 2010 01:43
any free?

The Next
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Posted: 2nd Sep 2010 12:40
Go ask at the FPSC X9 boards and don't bump old threads for no reason.

We have a search box you know search for mods and look to see if they do a free version.

Mystic Mod - Putting the fear back into sliced bread since 4th May 2010
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Posted: 27th Oct 2010 22:05
you can run the X10 under XP. Its easy.
DOWNLOAD This :,2098.html
Run the File
Then you install it and restart your computer and now the X10 run under XP

Have a nice day

seth zer0
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Posted: 28th Oct 2010 07:12 Edited at: 28th Oct 2010 07:15
my self. All the x10 run on xp(both the fps creator x10 and dx10) does not work. It may show up on the dxdiag or where ever it shows up for you but it does not really work. Its like a magic trick it looks like it real and all that stuff that make you warm inside, but in the real word it just bullcrap. Some one pulling the wool over your eyes, you know a illusion.

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Posted: 28th Oct 2010 09:34
you mean that i can make map but i cant test the game...and it will be full of bugs and lags right?

seth zer0
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Posted: 29th Oct 2010 00:35
Quote: "you mean that i can make map but i cant test the game...and it will be full of bugs and lags right?"

I think if I remember right you can make a map, Because that part still uses DX9 but you can not build or test it though.

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Posted: 29th Oct 2010 00:48
Quote: "I think if I remember right you can make a map, Because that part still uses DX9 but you can not build or test it though."

Yes, the map editor is compiled in DBP X9, while the game aspect is built in DBP X10.

Mystic-Mod: Putting the fear back into sliced bread since 4th May 2010
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Posted: 29th Oct 2010 01:16
it will work if you have a d11 suported video card.

Brody S
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Posted: 29th Oct 2010 01:17
OOPS. Only on wnd7.

Brody S
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Posted: 29th Oct 2010 21:14 100% sure that this doesn't work for windows XP but im 100% sure too that there is something on the internet that gives windows 7 functions to Xp....

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