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FPS Creator X10 / Better Blood X10

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Joined: 12th Jul 2010
Posted: 13th Jul 2010 16:47
I search for better (realistic) blood in FPSC X10.

Can i make the Blood splats on the ground?

Sorry for bad english i come from germany.

Ah And my next Problem : The Model Pack Enemys dont walk =(
Years of Service
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Joined: 7th Apr 2009
Location: England
Posted: 13th Jul 2010 19:49 Edited at: 13th Jul 2010 19:49
For the blood working on the floor, there should be a option in the setup.ini located in your documents called bloodonfloor= , make sure it says 1

For the enemy problem, make sure your updated to the latest v1.11, there seems to be a bug in the older version with model pack characters

Windows 7, Amd Athlon 7750 Black Editon (64 bit,3ghz + Dual Core), ATI Readon HD 4870 1gb Edition, 4gb Ram.

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