I'm not sure what you mean. o_O This is not the prettiest code in the world, but is the outcome of this something that you are looking for?
sync on
sync rate 1
dim Text$()
empty array Text$()
LineAmount = 0
for DataReader = 1 to 8
Read TextCHK$
array insert at bottom Text$()
Text$() = TextCHK$
inc LineAmount
array index to top Text$()
for a = 1 to LineAmount/2
next array index Text$()
next a
LinePlacement = LineAmount/2
TextHeight = LinePlacement*16
if array index valid(Text$())
set cursor 0, TextHeight: Print Text$()
inc LinePlacement
next array index Text$()
array index to top Text$()
LinePlacement = 0
data "Line 1: This is just some random text!!!!!!"
data "Line 2: It has no purpose other than filling"
data "Line 3: in the gaps. If you would like to be"
data "Line 4: a part of this craziness, then by all"
data "Line 5: means, jump in and scream. The crazy"
data "Line 6: thing about random text is that it is"
data "Line 7: completely random. Who knows what is"
data "Line 8: going to happen next."
My green thumb grew the tree my Trojan War horse was crafted from. With roses in our pockets we rally round the tombstones. Ashes to ashes, we all fall down.