So, I'm trying to work out how to get information sent to the server.
If I am using an array method of storing data, and my item array looks like this:
(This exists on the server.)
dim itemsdescription$(1,3)
dim itemstats#(1,6)
rem With, for example, data being arranged like this:
rem Description Array
rem name of item
itemsdescription$(1,1)="Iron Sword"
rem item description
itemsdescription$(1,2)="An iron sword."
rem skill required to equip
rem Item Stats Array
rem Price if bought from NPC vendor
rem Price if Sold to NPC vendor
rem Damage
rem Hit Chance Modifier
itemstats#(1,4)=-10 rem (would be used as a % ingame)
rem Level of Skill required to use
rem Item Weight
Now, if the player finds an item in-game. Say, s/he buys it from a vendor. What would be the best way to code this?
/* Player has bought item. Server is told to send information on item. */
rem Makes Packet
ItemPacket = mn create packet()
mn set memory size ItemPacket,1024
rem Server sends a packet with the array in it with this code:
mn get String ItemPacket,itemdescription$(1,1)
mn get String ItemPacket,itemdescription$(1,2)
mn get String ItemPacket,itemdescription$(1,3)
mn get int ItemPacket,itemstats#(1,1)
mn get int ItemPacket,itemstats#(1,2)
mn get int ItemPacket,itemstats#(1,3)
mn get int ItemPacket,itemstats#(1,4)
mn get int ItemPacket,itemstats#(1,5)
mn get int ItemPacket,itemstats#(1,6)
mn send UDP 0,ItemPacket,Client ID#,0,1
So, if that code is correct... [which I doubt. /newbie coder] then the Client that requested the packet will now have the packet.
Now the client can take the packet and use the data for things.
UDPPackets = mn Recv UDP(0,ItemPacket,Server ID,0)
dim itemsdescription$(1,3)
dim itemstats#(1,6)
Then I somehow make the packet fill up those arrays with the data that was put into them from the previous arrays.
Can I just load an entire array into a packet without doing all the fiddling about with individual elements? I don't see a command for that in the DarkNET documentation.
Once again, I've made a fairly vague question. Basically, I'm trying to work out the best way to make a client query a server for an array (or the contents of the array), and have it sent and recieved.
A code snippet of a system that does this would be appreciated.
Or else a pointer as to whether using arrays is the best way to do this... or if I should be doing it differently.
I'm waiting for my Dark Data purchase to be approved - at which point I might be able to use the databases in that for this, rather than arrays?