heres the code
rem make object plane 1,25,.5
rem position object 1,0,0,0
rem make object cylinder 2,3
rem position object 2,0,1,5
load image "media\" ,1
load object "media\HUD.x" ,99
make object cube 3, 5
scale object 3, 1000,1,1000
position object 3, 0,-3,0
texture object 3,1
scale object texture 3,10,10
rotate object 99,0,180,0
scale object 99,6,6,6
load mesh "media\HUD.x" ,1
set camera fov 40
camx# = camera position x()
camy# = camera position y () -.5
camz# = camera position z ()
camAx# = camera angle x ()
camAy# = camera angle y () + 180
camAz# = camera angle z ()
rem lock object on
ControlCamera( 0.05 )
position object 99, camx#,camy#,camz#
rotate object 99,camAx#,camAy#,camAz#
function ControlCamera( velocity# as float )
camXSpd# = keystate(17) - keystate(31) : camXSpd# = camXSpd# * velocity#
camZSpd# = keystate(30) - keystate(32) : camZSpd# = camZSpd# * velocity#
camYSpd# = keystate(16) - keystate(18) : camYSpd# = camYSpd# * velocity#
x# = camera position x() : y# = camera position y() : z# = camera position z()
yrotate camera wrapvalue( camera angle y() + mousemovex() / 2.0 )
`90 and 270 are the boundaries for the camera rotation in this case
`If the camera rotates out of those boundaries, the program sets it to the closest boundary
temp= wrapvalue( camera angle x() + mousemovey() / 2.0 )
if temp > 270
xrotate camera temp
if temp >= 180 then xrotate camera 270
if temp < 90
xrotate camera temp
if temp < 180 then xrotate camera 90
ny# = y# - camYSpd#
nx# = x# + camXSpd# * sin( camera angle y() ) + camZSpd# * sin( camera angle Y() - 90.0 )
nz# = z# + camXSpd# * cos( camera angle y() ) + camZSpd# * cos( camera angle Y() - 90.0 )
position camera (nx#), (ny#), (nz#)
i need the gun to move with the camera as it rotates up and down
Also this is my first ever DBpro Projetct so im not the best.
EDIT: How can i improve the resolution? Right now it looks laggy, but its the resolution