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Program Announcements / RND Sprint - High-Speed Randomly Generated Neverending Platformer

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Posted: 26th Aug 2010 21:15 Edited at: 26th Aug 2010 21:18
What an addictive little gem this game is! And the shaders are very pretty! My only complaint is that sometimes the screen would go very dark to become almost pitch black, so I couldn't see a thing.
Anyway, a great game, kudos to you Sixty Squares!

I managed to beat the benchmark score at least.

Edit: Sorry, I hadn't read the entire thread before playing, so I didn't know the darkness-issue had already been brought up.


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Sixty Squares
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Posted: 28th Aug 2010 20:02 Edited at: 28th Aug 2010 20:06
@zzz: Thanks, nice job beating the benchmark score .

As for the darkness thing, I guess I made the ambient lighting a little too dark for that phase. My apologies...

EDIT: LOL, I just opened up the project's folder and saw that you almost beat the score I got when I last played

EDIT2: Well I thought that 554 in my picture was a 354... . Still close though!

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Posted: 4th Sep 2010 01:52
This is insane! Its like Audiosurf on acid lol. Honestly you should push to make this commercial. People love playing games like this. What type of story would go good with this game? Maybe a Virtual man who lives in a computer world (like Tron). The computer he lives in starts crashing so hes gotta run at full speed to get the hell out of there. The infinite level is a great idea! Was it hard to code?
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Posted: 5th Sep 2010 17:47
Quote: "Honestly you should push to make this commercial."


Sixty Squares
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Posted: 6th Sep 2010 00:09 Edited at: 6th Sep 2010 00:09
@Stormwire: Wow, thanks for the compliments! I'm glad you liked it

Quote: "Honestly you should push to make this commercial."
Quote: "Seconded!"

Thanks for the encouragement, I might just try and do that . I'd have to remake the entire game though... I'd definitely have to make a better random level generator. Any ideas to make the game more interesting/fun and less monotonous?

Quote: "The computer he lives in starts crashing so hes gotta run at full speed to get the hell out of there."

Sounds like a cool plot, I could have random stuff falling everywhere in the background to symbolize the destruction associated with a computer crash .

Quote: "Was it hard to code? "

Not very . Although I already had a lot of the stuff (collision, shaders, third person camera, etc.) coded already as function systems in include files.

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Posted: 6th Sep 2010 15:17
Quote: "Any ideas to make the game more interesting/fun and less monotonous?"

Let's see... Add some jumps, a boost power up, maybe a power up for a double jump? Then, add relief mapping to your shaders.


Tone Dialer
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Posted: 7th Sep 2010 00:29
I am trying to get RND Sprint to run on my Windows 7 (32 bit) PC. DBPro normally works just fine, programs I write run ok.
DirectX9 is installed and I dont normally have any issues.

The first error message on running the RND Sprint EXE is the message about the missing DLL's (mentioned above), I have downloaded MSVCP71.DLL and MSVCR71.DLL both are now in System32 folder.

The EXE now runs and offers screen resolution selection menu, however Selecting any resoloution causes the following fatal error box with this information.

This game looks great fun, please could someone help me get it running.

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Posted: 7th Sep 2010 01:48
You can cheat and go in a endless circle by holding right or left. But cool game

Sixty Squares
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Posted: 7th Sep 2010 03:28 Edited at: 7th Sep 2010 03:29
@TheComet: Power-ups are a good idea You're really keen on that relief mapping, aren't you

@Tone Dialer: That's strange. I have no idea what could be wrong . This was created with DBP version 7.5 if that helps any.

I do see this though:
Quote: "Fault Module Name: D3DFunc.dll "

That sounds like Cloggy's D3D plugin. I believe that I call the d3d_init command after changing the display mode to reset everything. Does his plugin work for you? Here's a link to it: Has anyone else had any problems with Windows 7 and/or Cloggy's plugin?

@razerx: Yeah, I noticed that. I figured someone else would at one point or another... I thought of 3 ways to fix this:
1) Raise the minimum speed.
2) Make the platforms too narrow for this to be possible
3) Restrict the player's turning ability at low speeds.

For now though, just don't do that

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Posted: 7th Sep 2010 10:28
If you decide to remake this to make it commercial worthy, I can make some decent textures for my character mesh. Just drop me an email.

Virtual Nomad
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Posted: 8th Sep 2010 04:09 Edited at: 8th Sep 2010 04:14
just dled and played a bit = good fun. my last run was my best but, as i silently acknowledged my new-found ninja skills, the "neverending platformer" ceased to provide a platform* to showcase said skills. i know you expressed a need to re-code and, reading through the posts thus far, i hadn't seen this mentioned before so figured i should. (* = pun intended. literal and figurative applications apply )

as far as the "endless circle" cheat, i'd time how long the player holds left or right and after, say, 2-3 seconds, have the player get dizzy for awhile, applying random turns and/or, since you've got skills implementing shaders, "dizzy it up", visually.

and, finally, the premise here is simple with endless options in the creative fun department; a few of which were mentioned in your previous metal runner project which is one i (still) miss and looked forward to observing continued development of. alas, it seems my wish is coming true in many ways under "RND Sprint"

Virtual Nomad @ California, USA . DBPro V7.5
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Tone Dialer
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Posted: 8th Sep 2010 09:37
@ Sixty Squares

Cloggy's D3D plugin is working fine for me, tried a few examples to be sure.
I still get the Windows 7 "Program has stopped working" message directly after selecting the screen resolution in RND Sprint.

Apart from MSVCP71.DLL and MSVCR71.DLL (now both in System32 folder) are there any other DLL's which need to be available at runtime?

Sixty Squares
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Posted: 9th Sep 2010 00:41 Edited at: 9th Sep 2010 00:52
@Virtual Nomad:

Thanks for the comments

Quote: "as i silently acknowledged my new-found ninja skills, the "neverending platformer" ceased to provide a platform* to showcase said skills."

Really? I have run into this before, but usually it happens if I make a wrong turn (sometimes the game produces a dead end with one last chance to turn before it). Did you think this is what happened? Also, did you walk in a circle? The level disappears if you turn around...

Quote: "as far as the "endless circle" cheat, i'd time how long the player holds left or right and after, say, 2-3 seconds, have the player get dizzy for awhile, applying random turns and/or, since you've got skills implementing shaders, "dizzy it up", visually."

That's a cool idea, I'll keep it in mind

Quote: "your previous metal runner project which is one i (still) miss and looked forward to observing continued development of."

Wow, I'm surprised anyone even remembers that game . I'm glad you liked it and I'm sorry I didn't post it . I actually finished it, but I never posted it since I was considering selling it at the time... (Maybe this is still viable with a graphics upgrade, lol...)

I was thinking of making a hybrid between this and that game actually, where parts of the level would be random and other parts would be structured. This would be complicated but it could also turn out to be a fun challenge .

@Tone Dialer: I have no idea what the problem could be . The only plug-ins used in that section are IanM's Matrix1Utils DLL (which is also used in the resolution menu) and Cloggy's D3D Plugin. I also UNDIM an array, but I don't think that should affect anything.
Have you tried choosing a different resolution, like 1024x768? Maybe your resolution is conflicting with Cloggy's DLL somehow.

Also, have you tried changing the display mode and then using d3d_init in one of Cloggy's examples?

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Posted: 9th Sep 2010 06:15 Edited at: 9th Sep 2010 06:17
i was running straight ahead. if it's possible to have something like an immediate 90 degree turn, then i might have missed it. otherwise, i'd have to say "no chance" (and nothing was visible off in the horizon but the horizon). i'll keep playing and report if it happens again.

Virtual Nomad @ California, USA . DBPro V7.5
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Sixty Squares
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Posted: 28th Sep 2010 00:25 Edited at: 28th Sep 2010 00:27
@Virtual Nomad: I'm sorry, I thought I had replied to this already. Maybe I typed something out and closed the window later by accident .

A 90 degree turn is impossible. That's very strange though. It probably has something to do with how I'm making the platforms disappear and reappear in front of you, but I'm not entirely sure what the problem could be. I'll try to think of a better way to handle the platform re-creation if I ever decide to remake this, thanks for pointing it it out!

By the way thank you for the September 2010 newsletter mention! It's an honor

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Posted: 8th Oct 2010 08:43
Very Awesome Game.


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Sixty Squares
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Posted: 10th Oct 2010 00:41
Quote: "Very Awesome Game. "

Thank you! Nice score-- better than the 2000's I was getting on my first tries ...

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Posted: 21st Oct 2010 15:12
You should do a version of this for AppUp, could go down a storm! I was addicted for about three days straight!!

Sixty Squares
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Posted: 24th Oct 2010 02:29 Edited at: 24th Oct 2010 02:30
Quote: "You should do a version of this for AppUp, could go down a storm! I was addicted for about three days straight!!"

Wow, 3 days?! I didn't know it was that addicting . I'll consider making an AppUp version (it seems that a lot of people are suggesting this...) if I decide to redo this game . Thanks for commenting!

EDIT: I heard you were uploading some of your games to AppUp. Let me know how that goes! Was it hard to get the games packaged properly?

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Posted: 24th Oct 2010 15:11
Yeah, you HAVE to make an AppUp version! And this time, please add relief mapping


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Posted: 27th Nov 2010 03:58
@Sixty Squares

This game keeps bringing me back to play it lol I think its a mixture of the visuals and the the actual game play. As for things to add...

1) Enemy bots - They could chase you for a bit or even shoot missiles at you from a distance. This would give you enough time to move out of the way and add some extra visuals and interest.

2) Audio Sprint - Stick in a music CD and the level gets generated from the music. This might take way to much work but its a idea that would suit this game well. Also I am completely ripping off Audiosurf here lol

Hmmm Ill add more tomorrow. Sleep Time!
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Posted: 28th Nov 2010 12:18 Edited at: 28th Nov 2010 12:25
So I played this for about half an hour, got this score, and then read the posts about the circle-cheat I guess hi-scores don't really count for much now, then? Regardless:

edit: btw, playing at 1440x900x32, consistently good frame rate.
edit2: fffu, skipping back to the last page I notice my score is pretty trifling...

If I'm honest, for the last minute or so of that my heart was beating pretty damn fast, so damn good game

Minor complaints: The shaders, oh god the shaders. That bloom is way too powerful in places. Also the night bits I can't see (well I can see, like, the walls... but I can't see where I'm going), despite my screen being otherwise pretty vivid of colour.

Also the music. I love that track and all UT3 music like most, but it's a bit out of place here, especially the choral part (that is also most repeated). Replacing it with something a bit more streamlined and with a faster beat might help.

Finally, the camera; maybe a tiny bit higher? Some jumps are pretty difficult to judge, and while that's sort of the challenge here, clairvoyance certainly isn't


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Sixty Squares
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Posted: 4th Dec 2010 04:14
@TheComet: You're really fixed on that relief mapping, aren't you

@Stormwire: Haha nice I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for playing
Quote: "1) Enemy bots - They could chase you for a bit or even shoot missiles at you from a distance. This would give you enough time to move out of the way and add some extra visuals and interest."

I was actually thinking about doing this, but I wanted to keep it simple so I would at least get a demo done

Quote: "Audio Sprint - Stick in a music CD and the level gets generated from the music. This might take way to much work but its a idea that would suit this game well. Also I am completely ripping off Audiosurf here lol"

Haha that could be cool, but I'm not entirely sure how that would work conceptually (nor am I sure how to do it at all)

@MonoCoder: Thanks for taking the time to play and comment! I always appreciate a little criticism; it just gives me stuff to watch out for in the future .

As for the shaders, my original goal was just to get multiple shaders working at once, but I guess I could have tweaked the bloom a little bit. Admittedly it does get quite bright, although I don't mind it too much...

As for the nighttime, I have received this complaint before. I'm not sure if I am going to build upon this game, but I'll definitely make sure to address this if I do.

As for the music, I hadn't really put too much thought into it. I was aiming for an epic feel, and the choral part was supposed to only happen while you were flying through the air (which happens often, so I can see how it can get repetitive). I guess it could be changed, although I do like the current strangeness and stress that the UT3 music connotes.

Lastly, I will make sure to make the camera adjustable if I do create any variations of this in the future.

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