This has cost some time..
I run into problems when i tried to activate the entities one by one by the previous activated entity.
The engine totally ignored the timers.
Here is a working and tested way to do that:
control panel activates a
control center (controlC) when it gets destroyed.
control center (controlC) activates the exploding tubes (child1 - child4).
The exploding tubes are triggering the spawning characters (child11 - child 44).
A picture to show what i mean:
(i placed the characters in front of the tubes to be able to see them in this screenshot)
Lets do it step by step:
All entities have to be set to dynamic and if you don't want to change the names of the tubes and characters in the script you have to name them the way i did (child1, child11, etc.)
Control panel set up:
Name: your choice, you can leave it as is
Start script: appear1.fpi
Main script: default.fpi
Destroy script: destroy\destroyandactivate.fpi
If Used: controlC
Strength: 10
IsImmobile: Yes
Physics On: No
Explodable?: Yes
Explode Damage: your choice (i used 1).
Control center setup:
It doesnt matter what entity you are using here as long as it is dynamic and in the same room.
Name: controlC
Start script: appear1.fpi
Main script: activator.fpi :
;Artificial Intelligence Script
desc = when activated it activates the other entities one by one
;End of Script
Destroy script: disappear1.fpi
If Used: --- (keep this field empty. The targets get set in the script)
Strength: 0
IsImmobile: Yes
Physics On: No
Explodable?: No
Tube set up:
It's best to setup one tube at first and when that's done use a copy of it for the other 3 tubes.
The only thing you have to do then is to change the names of the tubes and the names in the If Used fields. (same procedure for the characters)
Name: child1
Start script: appear1.fpi
Main script: dieDelayed.fpi :
;Artificial Intelligence Script
desc = die delayed (50 ms)
;End of Script
Note: the script subs the 500 health to make the tube explode.
So the Strength of the tube has to be set to 500 or below.
Destroy script: destroy\flamable.fpi
If Used: child11
Strength: 400
IsImmobile: Yes
Physics On: No
Explodable?: Yes
Explode Damage: your choice (i used 1).
Tube nr.2 :
Name: child2
If Used: child22
Tube nr.3 :
Name: child3
If Used: child33
Tube nr.4 :
Name: child4
If Used: child44
Character set up:
Name: child11
Start script: appear1.fpi
Main script: instantDeath.fpi :
;Artificial Intelligence Script
desc = instant death
;End of Script
Destroy script: destroy\leavecorpse.fpi (with added ragdoll action)
If Used: --
Spawn at Start?: No
Max at any time: 1
Maximum Spawn: 1
Lives: 1
Health: 400
IsImmobile: No
Physics On: Yes
Character nr.2
Name: child22
Character nr.3
Name: child33
Character nr.4
Name: child44
Hope this helps