The problem is that the zone you left (and any other zone) is performing its...
Quote: ":state=0,plrwithinzone=0:ambience=250,ambiencered=250,ambienceblue=250,ambiencegreen=250"
While the new zone is trying to ...
Quote: ":state=0,plrwithinzone=1:ambience=25,ambiencered=25,ambienceblue=25,ambiencegreen=25"
...which overrides it.
Try moving to another state once they leave it so it only performs the change once, instead of continually looping forever.
Like so...
;Artificial Intelligence Script
; by xplosys
;edited by Conjured Entertainment for multiple triggers
;You should set the ambiance settings in the first "state=0"
;line to whatever your game settings are, or just let the
;trigger zone set the levels ambiance.
;Goes dark when player steps in zone. Change the numbers to suite.
desc = Dark in Zone
;End of Script
I haven't tested it yet, but it should work, so give it a try.
Quote: "Can you not just make the zone cover all layers - i.e. hold down shift key and roll back on your mouse wheel, so the trigger zone goes from layer 0 - your top most layer ??"
He could do that easily if all of the zones are the same size and directly above one another.
However, that won't work if they are different sizes in various points of the map.