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2D All the way! / Is DB pro the ideal program for 2D game making?

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Posted: 25th Sep 2010 04:36 Edited at: 25th Sep 2010 04:38
I'm not sure, I heard people say go with Play basic or BlitzMax. So what are your opinions on what software I should use? What is all required to make a 2D game?

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Grog Grueslayer
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Posted: 25th Sep 2010 05:16
Darkbasic Pro is great for both 2D and when you're ready 3D. It's easy to find out if Darkbasic is for you by downloading the free version.

Kevin Picone
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Posted: 25th Sep 2010 06:05
Quote: "So what are your opinions on what software I should use?"

You haven't given us any idea of what you're interesting in making. It's like asking for the directions to an unknown destination.

Quote: " What is all required to make a 2D game?"

They're all programming languages, so you'll need to get some programming skills under your belt in order to create something. How much, or how little is unknown, as you've not told us what you want to do...

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Posted: 25th Sep 2010 06:40
I'm interested in making a top down action game, what program is best suited for making this type of game? What is best for creating sprites and them animating?

Of course since I have little experience with programming languages I couldn't start right away, I just want to know what I should try to learn.

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DBPro Master
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Posted: 27th Sep 2010 23:51
Best for sprites depends on your graphical skills and preferences. As for animating them, that depends on what language you use. If DBP, then there are commands that will handle the animation sequence for you.

Download the DBP free version and play around with it, start out with a few of the basic tutorials and try the Pong tutorial to get started. DBP is very capable of doing what you want. As an example, I'm recreating Zelda with it and it's going pretty well. I'm sure there have been several accomplished 2D games in DB.

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Kevin Picone
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Posted: 30th Sep 2010 03:34 Edited at: 28th Mar 2011 02:44
Quote: "I'm interested in making a top down action game, what program is best suited for making this type of game? What is best for creating sprites and them animating?"

All of the languages you listed are capable of such a task. How difficult this might be, depends upon the type of visuals you're after. Do you want a top / down view that rotates ? How many layers, Pixel or Vector collisions.

Programming animation is as simple as stepping though a set of frames, the real hurdle will be drawing the animations, which can be far more challenging. But this is not a programming language concern though, that's the concern of the artist and the software they're using.

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Posted: 23rd Nov 2010 04:12
I came across this thread after a Google search and enjoyed the review on the forums. I have a similar interest in this area but have the question, does Darkbasic Pro cover both animation and interactive features.

My aim is a 2D Virtual Chat to develop over time. As a former moderator for Yoville for the creators of the game, the idea that went behind Tim and Gregs vision was a inspiration before they sold it.

Any helpful advise on software that you can recommend, please do so and thank you in advance.
DBPro Master
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Posted: 25th Nov 2010 04:00
I don't see any trouble with DB being able to make a 2D virtual chat client, but as for the server I'd probably write that in another language.

As Kevin mentioned, controlling the animation is a simple task. And for the interactive features, well, it's a programming language. You'll only be limited to what you can write.

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Posted: 27th Nov 2010 02:48
Sounds great,

I do know Greg approximately 6 months during his spare time as the main developer creating the language and some of the graphics while Tim did other areas.

With me, A few years ago, I practiced strictly development of websites (HTML) with some in knowledge of flash. Creating the language will be a learning process I guess. Would you happen to know of a software that would be great start to experiment with regardless of the cost to learn the different programming languages available?

I am about to learn the free version of DBP before ordering so I learn the basics. So thank you so much for your insight.
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Posted: 27th Nov 2010 02:50 Edited at: 28th Nov 2010 21:37

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