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2D All the way! / 2D Scene Animation

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Joined: 26th Oct 2006
Posted: 28th Sep 2010 04:41
Hey guys, it's been a while since I was on these forums. I've been searching the past couple days on here, and google, and can't seem to find a good answer.

I need, for a game, to be able to create an animation for scenes. Basically I will have the sprites move around on certain terrains and interact with each other, displaying text and such. I know it is possible to just do this using dbp commands and kind of embed the animation in the game...but it's getting a bit complicated as I approach needs for certain sprites to perform certain actions.

So I need a free 2D animation...and it would need onion layering. If anyone knows of any, please post. If you at least know the best way to approach this, then still post please.
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Posted: 28th Sep 2010 05:30
pivot stickfigure animator?

I want coke, not Pepsi!
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Posted: 28th Sep 2010 05:36 Edited at: 29th Sep 2010 00:13
That's what I was thinking...that type of animation, but does it support importing images that aren't sticks? I'm not sure that it does.


I checked out Pivot...and like I assumed, you can't import images the way I need to. Pivot is a very good example of what I'm looking for though.
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Posted: 16th Oct 2010 06:51 Edited at: 16th Oct 2010 19:52
I am a DIY kind of guy, so I would suggest you create your own pivot system and animating software. If you know your trig, it is not all that hard to make software that performs the transformations based on numbers gathered from an array. Then create a program to let you design these animations and export them to a text or bmp file that will then be read by your game later. I really like working with stuff like this and would be glad to help you develop this system. Note that I have not done a whole lot on the tgc forums because I am in college, but I will try to stay up-to-date with this.


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