EDITED: I'm still having crash problems, but it's not as consistent, so I changed the post to reflect such.
Sorry to double post; I made some progress on my own by using setvar= and incvar= instead of animate=, but now I have a new problem that's not exactly replacing my initial one. (I still would like to understand Dark AI better.)
What I've found is that it seems it is possible to mix Dark AI and Old AI to an extent, but it's not working in the way I intend it to. I've gotten the character to run away from me in the way that the coward does, and he no longer teleports through walls, but it's not exactly what I mean to have happen when I script. It's sufficient, but as it might be seen in my script below, I'd wanted the enemy to also incorporate things like the crouching idle motion, and it never seems to do that. (He does crouch strafe, though, so it's not a big deal.) (WARNING: He can still get stuck if you hold him in corner too long, but I think I've run into that problem with other pre-written FPSC scripts, too... so I don't know if it's the system or me.)
The bigger problem, though, (the one that I thought warranted a second, separate post, but if a mod disagrees, please let me know) is that the game crashes seemingly-randomly at times when the coward is taking damage (whether it be from an ally or myself). However, it does always seem to be moving or running in some way. I'm guessing this is an error in my script, so if someone could figure out why this is happening, I'd definitely appreciate it. The error I always get is something like this:
"Runtime Error 118 - Array does not exist or array subscript out of bounds at line 28380"
I have no idea what that means, but it may help someone else? Thanks in advance!
;//Requires v1.17+ DarkAI
desc = Cowardly Enemy Edit from kms
;//:state=1,plrfacing=1:fpgcrawtextsize=18,fpgcrawtextfont=arial,fpgcrawtextr=200,fpgcrawtextg=200,fpgcrawtextb=200,fpgcrawtextx=50,fpgcrawtexty=10,fpgcrawtext=state 1 ready
;//:state=2,plrfacing=1:fpgcrawtextsize=18,fpgcrawtextfont=arial,fpgcrawtextr=200,fpgcrawtextg=200,fpgcrawtextb=200,fpgcrawtextx=50,fpgcrawtexty=10,fpgcrawtext=state 2 enemy close
;//:state=10,plrfacing=1:fpgcrawtextsize=18,fpgcrawtextfont=arial,fpgcrawtextr=200,fpgcrawtextg=200,fpgcrawtextb=200,fpgcrawtextx=50,fpgcrawtexty=10,fpgcrawtext=state 10 gut check
;//:state=20,plrfacing=1:fpgcrawtextsize=18,fpgcrawtextfont=arial,fpgcrawtextr=200,fpgcrawtextg=200,fpgcrawtextb=200,fpgcrawtextx=50,fpgcrawtexty=10,fpgcrawtext=state 20 fall back to cover
;//:state=30,plrfacing=1:fpgcrawtextsize=18,fpgcrawtextfont=arial,fpgcrawtextr=200,fpgcrawtextg=200,fpgcrawtextb=200,fpgcrawtextx=50,fpgcrawtexty=10,fpgcrawtext=state 30 heard sound
;//:state=55,plrfacing=1:fpgcrawtextsize=18,fpgcrawtextfont=arial,fpgcrawtextr=200,fpgcrawtextg=200,fpgcrawtextb=200,fpgcrawtextx=50,fpgcrawtexty=10,fpgcrawtext=state 55 closing in
;//:state=67,plrfacing=1:fpgcrawtextsize=18,fpgcrawtextfont=arial,fpgcrawtextr=200,fpgcrawtextg=200,fpgcrawtextb=200,fpgcrawtextx=50,fpgcrawtexty=10,fpgcrawtext=state 67 falling back
;//:varequal=911,plrfacing=1:fpgcrawtextsize=18,fpgcrawtextfont=arial,fpgcrawtextr=200,fpgcrawtextg=200,fpgcrawtextb=200,fpgcrawtextx=50,fpgcrawtexty=10,fpgcrawtext=911 responding
;//----------------------;Artificial Intelligence Script
;//local var flags default, escort or responder behavior. 0=default, 1=escort (Ally), 911=responder
;//Dark AI Animations----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;Walking animations
;Crouching Animations