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2D All the way! / Painting random swords for fun/practice

PW Productions
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Posted: 4th Oct 2010 04:49
I decided I needed to spice up my new website with some art to showcase. Finding that sword designs/paintings are the best way to practice and actually turn out decent, I went with those and let my imagination burn out.

This was the first one - the Double Bladed RAGE. Wasn't too pleased, but it was my first attempt:

After learning a lot from that image, I moved on to a more advanced sword - the Valor:

The sketch:

The colour:

And the final product:

Just wanted to show off and get some criticism while I was at it.

I might make a tutorial if it's requested enough or if on a random day I feel like it...

C&C welcome,


Redoing my entire website... again. EDIT: Finished it! Whew.
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Posted: 4th Oct 2010 13:43 Edited at: 5th Oct 2010 14:45
Hmm...My critic would be that the grip on the last one is a bit too thin.If the blade is too heavy,the balance would be ruined.

I must say though,I like your style.

I'm guessing you are using a tablet for these?

PW Productions
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Posted: 5th Oct 2010 00:44
Quote: "I'm guessing you are using a tabled for these?"

Yep, a Wacom.

I was worried the handle might've been too thin, but then I peeked at FF7's Buster Sword and thought it could be semi ok.

BTW, I like your new avatar

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Posted: 5th Oct 2010 14:44
Wait a minute,is it by any chance a Wacom Intuos 4 ?

Because I have one and I love it.

I bought a special air brush for it as well.

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Posted: 6th Oct 2010 00:36
Nope.... I believe it's a (pulls out box).... Hold on

Ok, here it is: a Wacom Bamboo. That's all it says

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Posted: 6th Oct 2010 14:47
Ahh I know that one.

Here's mine

I spent 2 hours at the Wacom shop trying to figure out which tablet to buy.The Bamboo seemed a bit small to me.

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Posted: 23rd Oct 2010 10:48
How do you draw these? Do you have a tablet?

They look good so far, just seem a bit "unsharp". Not english lags there


God Helps the Beast in Me!
PW Productions
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Posted: 24th Oct 2010 08:00
Quote: "Do you have a tablet?"

Yeah, but I actually only use it occasionally TBH. For the first sword I did it with my mouse, and for the second, I did it with my tablet And yeah, the swords not seeming sharp was a main crit others gave me on MSN and email.

Redoing my entire website... again. EDIT: Finished it! Whew.

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