As far as I know there is such an action where you can move an object instantly to a certain spot.
It would be a bit tricky to make it work,but I don't see why not.
If I were you I'd write down some ways of achieving it.
For example (just theoretically) :
1.Place a triggerzone over a dummy teleporter model and make a script for it to indicate if
ANY entity is within zone or a certain radius to change a variable from 0 to 1 for example.
2.In the entity you wish to be teleported's script add a condition to check if the variable is equal to 1 , and then execute a moving command to some spot.
Your basic commands will be :
ANYFURTHER=X is true when no within X quarter tiles
ANYWITHIN=X is true when any other entity moves within X quarter tiles
MOVEBACK=X move the entity back by X units
MOVEFORE=X moves the entity forward by X units
MOVEUP=X moves the entity up by X units
and of course the variable conditions and actions.