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FPSC Classic Scripts / Gunspec.txt - ironsights

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Posted: 13th Oct 2010 01:09
Could somebody explain meaning of all those parameters pasted in gunspec.txt in order to make ironsight:

Some of them are possible to guess, but others are not. If somebody knows what they all mean, please post them. It would save time for a lot of beginners.
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Posted: 13th Oct 2010 11:14
zoomaccuracy - how accurate the gun is if zoomed in
rotx - rotate left or right
roty - rotate up or down
rotz - rotate side to side
chamberedround - is there a round already in the gun? stumps me...
noautoreload - don't reload when out of ammo
nofullreload - do not fully reload
runacc - accuracy while running
recoily - how far up the gun should go while firing
recoilyreturn - how far the gun should go back down after firing
recoilx - how far the gun recoils to the left or right
recoilxreturn - same as y, but going left or right
zoomrecoily- basically, recoil when zooming. Same stuff as recoily to recoilyreturn
zoomrecoilyreturn -
zoomrecoilx -
zoomrecoilxreturn -
zoomalignx - where should the gun align with the sights going left or right
zoomaligny- where should the gun align with the sights going up or down
zoomalignz where the gun should align with the sights going side to side
zoomgunlagspeed - how slow it is to look around in zoom mode
zoomgunlagxmax - the maximum amount of lag for zoom from left to right
zoomgunlagymax - the maximum amount of lag for zoom up or down
zoomwalkspeed - how fast you can walk while zoomed
zoomturnspeed - how fast you can turn while zoomed
gunlagspeed - how fast to look hipfiring
gunlagxmax - maximum speed of looking left to right hipfiring
gunlagymax - maximum speed of looking up or down hipfiring
simplezoom - 1 to turn off the scroll wheel zoom function
simplezoommod - dunno honestly.
simplezoomacc - how accurate it is in simplezoom mode
simplezoomx - align with the sights left or right
simplezoomy - align with sights up or down
simplezoomspeed - how fast to scope in?
simplezoomanim - the animation to play before engaging zoom. Buy an ErrantAI weapon to see what I'm talking about
simplezoomflash - the flash from the barrel while zooming
runy - dunno.

That's all I can tell you kiddo. Ask Conjured, or maybe Plystire about the other two or three, they should know.

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Posted: 13th Oct 2010 11:44
Thank You very much
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Posted: 13th Oct 2010 23:02
Quote: "simplezoommod - dunno honestly.
runy - dunno."

simplezoommod - I believe you set this to 1 to enabled ironsight mode.
runy - How far the weapon should move on the y-axis while running. You use it to make your gun drop down while running.

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Michael Thompson
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Posted: 14th Oct 2010 13:00
Is there one to make the player throw around the gun like he is running, when he is running?

Windows 7 ultimate x64, Intel i7, 4 GB RAM, NVIDIA GEFORCE 330m 1GB
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Posted: 14th Oct 2010 18:21 Edited at: 14th Oct 2010 18:24
Some corrections and clarifications...

chamberedround=X is +1(or whatever value of X) capability. Most shotguns and auto-loaders can carry a full mag plus one on the chamber and this feature simulates that.

nofullreload=1 disables the reload key/anim if the weap is filly loaded.

simplezoom=1-8 activates the simplezoom/iron sights feature and sets the magnification level when in that mode. Values of 9 or above will invert the camera.

zoomgunlagspeed=x is how fast the lazy gun recenters itself when in simplezoom.

gunlagspeed=x is same as above for normal mode.

gunlagxmax/gunlagymax=x is the max distance the HUD model is allowed to lag behind when quickly mouse-looking.

simplezoommod=x adgusts the FOV the HUD model is rendered at when in somplezoom. Used to adjust the weapon away or closer to the game camera.

simplezoomanim=1 tells the game to use anims for simplezoom mode: zoomto, zoomfrom, zoommove, zoomidle, zoomstartfire, zoomautomaticfire and zoomendfire.
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Posted: 14th Oct 2010 22:04 Edited at: 14th Oct 2010 22:07
1. What means "weapon lag" and "lazy gun"?

2. Is there a parameter that changes lowering the weapon while walking in ironsight mode?
Tried "walky" - doesn't work
Errant AI
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Posted: 15th Oct 2010 00:34
1. It's the effect when turning sharply the gun model screen position lags behind the camera movement to quasi-simulate the head turning faster than the body.

2. No. And realistically there's no reason fot it since you can't run while aiming and its perfectly possible to keep a weapon aimed while moving slowly. The only option would be to have the zoommove animation position the weapon at a lower poisition so that when moving the weapon drops to the desired level.

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