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Dark Physics & Dark A.I. & Dark Dynamix / Dark AI and newton ...

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Joined: 1st Oct 2010
Posted: 21st Oct 2010 14:26
Hello, ive been at this since yesterday and i wrapped an enemy using NDB_NewtonCreateConvexHull and the problem with that is the character simply jitters all over the place instead of moving(when trying to follow me), if I remove newton from the character he moves fine but then I wont be able to do NDB_RayCastGetBody() to detect bullets on the enemies.
Is there anyway I can maybe remove friction from the character alltogether, or some other solution.
As i just need to have a working enemy ai that can be damaged through newton raycast.
Thanks for reading.
TGC Store Seller
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Joined: 10th Aug 2008
Posted: 21st Oct 2010 18:51
need to create an additional object, apply the physics of Newton and move it firmly on the AI and read with him getting shot.

.....already beside..... for all
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Joined: 1st Oct 2010
Posted: 21st Oct 2010 19:41
Yh thanks RUSSIA i figured that out also a bit earlier, by making a clone without a wrapper .
If anyone else comes across this problem here is the solution
i simply did a sub called moveEnemies followed by

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