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FPS Creator X10 / Update V1.11 causes lots of problems

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Joined: 6th Nov 2009
Location: NE PA, USA
Posted: 27th Oct 2010 03:39
When I install update to 1.11 I get lots of problems, like entities not displaying correctly, segments missing walls... When I reinstall and update to 1.01 everything works fine.

Is there another version of 1.11 or something later?
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Joined: 22nd Apr 2008
Location: Canada
Posted: 27th Oct 2010 04:51 Edited at: 27th Oct 2010 04:51
2 things you can do that should straighten out all your issues...

Download the Latest Directx .. Download here

Secondly update your video drivers to there latest versions..

1.01 run on directx 10 .... 1.11 uses Drectx 10.1....

This should fix up the issues you are having....
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Location: NE PA, USA
Posted: 27th Oct 2010 22:33 Edited at: 27th Oct 2010 22:34
I did update to the latest Direct X and it actually installed Direct X 11. which surprised me. I also downloaded the latest drivers for my video. I reinstalled FPSX10 and ran the updates when I installed V1.11 I again had the same problems, but 1.01 works fine...

I will download the line and try that...
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Location: Canada
Posted: 28th Oct 2010 15:57 Edited at: 28th Oct 2010 15:57
The version I linked above is the SDK it contains all version in there complete form and will fill in any files you maybe missing..

The problem with the Microsoft web installer is that it only installs the most common dx files and not the full set resources available..
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Joined: 6th Nov 2009
Location: NE PA, USA
Posted: 1st Nov 2010 04:18
I installed the version you provided the link for and I still have the same problems...

I installed these packs on another machine running FPS creator and everything works fine?

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