Sure, you can set up a camera to be bound to the entity, then swap to that camera when you're controlling the robot.
Take a look into this script. It's a "SpyBot" script for controlling an entity. Might be more along the lines of what you're after.
;Requires Ply's Mod V1.07+
;Artificial Intelligence Script
desc = Spy Bot Control Script (BindCamToEntity Test)
;///// Load up HUD and SpyBot camera, Bind the camera to the SpyBot entity \\
;///// Dim variables necessary \\
:state=0:makecamera=SpyBotCam,bindcamtoentity=SpyBotCam,offsetcamy=SpyBotCam 75,offsetcamfore=SpyBotCam -55
;///// Show Use HUD when player approaches \\
;///// If player activates SpyBot, then disable plr input through startmenu
;///// hide the spy bot, and view through the spybot camera
;///// Hide The Player HUDs \\
;///// Make spy bot move forward, backward and strafe \\
:state=3,keypressed=17 1,plrusingrun=1:movefore=5,animate=5
:state=3,keypressed=17 1,plrusingrun=0:movefore=3,animate=2
:state=3,keypressed=31 1,plrusingrun=1:movefore=-5,animate=5,setanimspeed=-100
:state=3,keypressed=31 1,plrusingrun=0:movefore=-3,animate=2,setanimspeed=-100
:state=3,keypressed=30 1:setvar=TempY $EAY,addvar=TempY -90,entityangley=%TempY,movefore=4,addvar=TempY 90,entityangley=%TempY,animate=3
:state=3,keypressed=32 1:setvar=TempY $EAY,addvar=TempY 90,entityangley=%TempY,movefore=4,addvar=TempY -90,entityangley=%TempY,animate=4
;///// Restore normal FPS Cam when "G" is pressed \\
;///// Need to restore player control with "stopmenu" and view the normal camera \\
:state=3,keypressed=34 1:stopmenu,viewcam=0,state=4
;///// Make spy bot cam look around based on mouse movement \\
:state=3:setvar=TempX $MMY,setvar=TempY $MMX,divvar=TempX 7,divvar=TempY 7,addvar=TempX $EAX,addvar=TempY $EAY
;///// Show the Player HUDs again \\
;End of Script
(NOTE: showing and hiding of the main HUDs (such as player health and lives and ammo) require that they are given the proper names in the setuplevel.fpi script)
You can see this script in action in the first part of
this video.
The one and only,
Only those who sow the seeds of their desires will reap their benefits later.
However, I have seeds of my own to tend to. I don't have time to be someone else's watering can.