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Dark Physics & Dark A.I. & Dark Dynamix / 6DOF joint vehicle steering

Mic 11 12
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Joined: 7th Mar 2010
Posted: 3rd Nov 2010 05:15
I'm attempting to make a vehicle without the vehicle library in Dark Physics. I'm using 6DOFs as the joints. I got everything except steering to work. I was wondering what the best way to attempt to do steering would be.
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Posted: 3rd Nov 2010 15:25
depending on how you've connected your wheels an upsidedown T might do the trick, where there a bar connecting to the wheels and then you move this bar with the long part of the T.

like so:-
.......\ <<<< where this bit swing left or right and moves the bar

or you attached a sphere to the wheels and then rotate the spheres,(think this will be easier and quicker to do.)

Dark Physics makes any hot drink go cold.
Mic 11 12
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Posted: 3rd Nov 2010 22:01 Edited at: 4th Nov 2010 01:02
My car is setup like so. Black spots are joints.

How Do your second suggestion is feasible for my design however how do you make sphere left try to copy sphere rights rotation or visa versa.


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Posted: 4th Nov 2010 11:03
here some code showing what I mean, see if you can bolt it into what you have.

Dark Physics makes any hot drink go cold.
Mic 11 12
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Posted: 5th Nov 2010 00:17 Edited at: 5th Nov 2010 00:55
Does that work with Dark Physics.

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