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2D All the way! / Need help with my game idea

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Location: Angola, IN
Posted: 13th Nov 2010 05:39
I am working on a 2D game using DarkGDK and I need to figure out how to do something. It is for a class and my book doesn't say how to do it.

The issue at hand. I'm trying to make a sprite appear at a certain point on another sprite. It is a basic game almost like Space invaders for those of us that are old enough to remember it.
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Posted: 21st Nov 2010 07:41
So position one sprite on the other.
Maybe you need to give us more info to figure out what exactly you can't figure out. Do the sprites not overlap in the correct order every time? If so, look at the sprite priority command.

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Posted: 5th Jan 2011 01:29
....Maybe you mean you need some info on alpha channel???... Hmm

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Posted: 22nd Mar 2011 05:27
Are you saying that you want to position one sprite relative to another?
This would be used when a ship fires its weapons.
I program in C++, but the languages are similar when it comes to the Dark GDK commands.
I would use:

to position a shot in C++.
This should be close to basic.
I guess it would be like this:

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