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The 20 Line Challenge / [DBC/DBP] driver 20 parallel lines

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Posted: 22nd Nov 2010 23:25 Edited at: 22nd Nov 2010 23:26
This is my first 20 line challenge and, as the subject title suggests, has been inspired by games such as Driver.

The object of the game is to drive around the city and collect all of the spinning yellow cubes in the fastest possible time. You do not have to collect the cubes in any order and there is no fixed route through the city. The timer will start once you have collected the first cube.

Up arrow to accelerate
Down arrow to brake
Left / right arrows to turn
Spacebar to boost (makes you go faster)

When you have collected all the cubes, you will still have full control of the car and you can press the return key to reset the cubes and timer, the car will not return to its original position but there is a green cone that marks the start point if you want to go back to it.

This was written in DBC and although the DBC code will run in DBP there was an issue with camera view (it looked as if the camera was too close to the car) so I have created a DBP version which has a few of the initial parameters changed to better suit the camera.

DBC version:

DBP version:

Have fun and drive carefully.
David Gervais
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2010 19:22
Very nicely done. I like it.


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Posted: 3rd Dec 2010 15:08
So nice. A lil' addicting


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Posted: 14th Dec 2010 23:44
Glad you liked it and thanks for the comments.
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Posted: 13th Mar 2011 18:42
I do not know what to do with those codes, can someone help me...i`m new in this
Dances With Robots
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Posted: 15th Mar 2011 14:37 Edited at: 15th Mar 2011 14:40
@ CiP

This is really pretty basic. (As in simple) When you see a code button, click it, then highlight and copy everything in it. Then paste it into your editor, compile and run.

Assuming you use DarkBASIC Pro with the standard editor, you would copy the code from the code box and then drop it into the window that pops up when you first open up DBP. Then click the right pointing green arrow in the tool bar at the top.

Some of the code requires other modules, (Such as DarkBASIC Classic, or DarkGDK) and there's no way around that. Some of them may require other plugins (Like the Matrix utilities) or additional modules, such as Like DarkAI) Some of these can be downloaded for free, or available in the packages TGC sells. The DarkGAME Studio package is a popular product that comes with a lot of modules for a very reasonable price.

Also, you may need additional media, that is, music or images used in the game. Usually (but not always) there is a download button that provides access to the media. Or you can find or create your own.

And finally, sometimes the poster provides the compiled game as an executable file that you can just download and run--without even having anything else installed.

It's not as complicated as my long post seems to make it.
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Posted: 4th May 2011 14:37
Awesome game 29 games, very addictive. I have one feature request, a reverse function, I got stuck at one point.

A clever person solves a problem, a wise person avoids it - Albert Einstein
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Posted: 13th Jul 2011 13:38
I was surprised by how many times I played this before I actually sat and thought about the gameplay elements - there are virtually none, yet it still works really well. The subtle different colours of the blocks is very effective.

Would you be able to break out (and down) the code?

Thanks for all your help
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Posted: 14th Jul 2011 00:40 Edited at: 14th Jul 2011 00:41
Ahhh, praise from the internet.

Expanded code, as requested.

@Hodgey, the reason there is no reverse is that I wanted as many lines as possible to create the city. I probably should have taken out the braking as well because, let's face it, braking's for wimps.

Glad people are liking this but have you (shameless plug warning) checked out my rolling marble game?

It's pretty cool too.
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Posted: 14th Jul 2011 14:17
Quote: "@Hodgey, the reason there is no reverse is that I wanted as many lines as possible to create the city."

Fair enough

Quote: "I probably should have taken out the braking as well because, let's face it, braking's for wimps.

I employ the same train of thought when driving, especially on rainy days and when the traffic lights have just gone orange. [/sarcasm]

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Posted: 15th Jul 2011 13:31
Great job! Very impressive!

There are 3 ways to do something: The right way, the wrong way and MY WAY...

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