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DarkBASIC Discussion / Good Tutorials

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Posted: 26th Nov 2010 20:34 Edited at: 26th Nov 2010 21:43
Im getting DarkBasicClassic This Xmas
i checked for tutorials,but the one i founded dint explain very well
Were i can get good tutorials?
EDIT: Did TGC Send U the disk at home or they Let u download it?
cuz i wanna the disk

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Posted: 26th Nov 2010 22:18
Get the DarkGame Studio Bonanza. Better and cheaper(I think). They give the disk for DGSBonanza.

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Posted: 27th Nov 2010 00:12
Check out TDK's tutorials as those are quite well written. Back in the day I got a book called "The Beginner's Guide to DarkBASIC Game Programming" which was pretty good, but I don't know if you can find it anymore. They have a couple DBPro books out, not sure how good they are.

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Posted: 27th Nov 2010 03:09
Theres lots of tuts about for most stuff if you look, there are some good vids on youtube by DCforeman. I must reccomend the old INPUT magazines for down to earth step by step BASIC programming knowledge. Unfortunately they are hard to get hold of and very old now I doubt many here would remember it. If only I had purchased them at the time, rather than read my mates, still reckon there would be some gems in there worth looking at.
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Posted: 27th Nov 2010 08:33 Edited at: 27th Nov 2010 08:42
OK Thanks
But now: they give u the disk For DBC? cuz i wanna something real for xmas,Not something to download.
EDIT:Never mind,it cost basically the same and got some Extra things i love such DarkAI and DarkPhysics,but are u sure they send you it at home?

EDIT2: Im looking at Some tutorials made by dcforemanuk on youtube,it learns a lot of stuff but what i dont understand is why i must use it. i mean when i must use a variable,When use a loop ecc.
Or maybe its me (im italian maybe i dont understand everything well)

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Posted: 27th Nov 2010 11:17 Edited at: 27th Nov 2010 11:18
If I were you I would get the DGS bonanza deal and use Dark Basic Pro rather than Dark Basic Classic. A lot of people think that because it has "pro" in the name it must be harder but it isn't! It has a nicer editor and is much more modern, allowing for more up to date game features such as shaders.
EDIT: and yes, they send a disk to you, but also allow you to download some of the products as far as I remember.

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Posted: 27th Nov 2010 16:48
It might be worth you buying a book on the basics, or ordering one from the library.
Variables are just a more useful way to use numbers in general although they can store words (strings).
For instance

print "10"

That will print 10 until you exit the loop.

a=1 `****** sets up variable a and gives it a value of 1
print a `****** prints variable a's current value
inc a,1 `****** increments variable a by 1

That will count up by 1 until you exit the loop. As you can see, using a variable allows you to do things you couldn't if you simply used a number.
There is some basic help included with Db and Db Pro so best to start in there if you have no clue where to begin(the principles section in DB Pro's help is where I would recommend you start).
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Posted: 13th Dec 2010 07:50
I get the good tutorial for the object oriented programming languages from the ruby tutorial websites. I get all the concept of the oops, this tutorial is easy to understand the concept of the oops even the initializer also can understand it and perform any type of the operation very easily.

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Posted: 13th Dec 2010 07:51
I get the good tutorial for the object oriented programming languages from the ruby tutorial websites. I get all the concept of the oops, this tutorial is easy to understand the concept of the oops even the initializer also can understand it and perform any type of the operation very easily.

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Posted: 13th Dec 2010 17:30 Edited at: 13th Dec 2010 17:32
I would highly recommend getting a book to work through.
Programming text books can be expensive but they are worth it if you have the extra cash. If not, while you might struggle to find a DarkBASIC book in your local library, you should be able to find something on general programming and BASIC programming. Those will give you an idea of the fundamentals of programming, for more specific things to DB you can try TDK's Tutorials They are very good and cover all the basics.

DB makes 3D programming easy, so you'll need to find a specific DB tutorial to do stuff in 3D. There's lots of code on these forums so I'm sure you'll learn from a bit of browsing. Check out the DB CHallenge thread.

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Posted: 31st Dec 2010 22:52
you could search on youtube and check out lynda for tutorials

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Posted: 6th Jan 2011 15:02
I thought I heard somewheree DB Pro was free now?

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