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FPS Creator X10 / Waypoint problem

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Posted: 6th Dec 2010 04:36
Hi all,

I'm building a level that for some reason waypoints will not work in. I can start a new level create waypoints and works perfect. If I do the same exact thing in the level I am actively working on, nothing happens.

There are no performance issues. I'm still running around 80fps on average in my level. Everything else works great.

Any clues?

FPSC Tool Maker
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Playing: Hard to get
Posted: 6th Dec 2010 14:58
What exactly is happening? Are you not able to actually create the waypoints, or are you saying that characters will not follow them?

Mystic-Mod: Putting the fear back into sliced bread since 4th May 2010
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Posted: 6th Dec 2010 18:10
I can create the way points but nothing will follow them. I'm not using the waypoints for characters, rather I am using entities in the same way you would use the antigravplatform.

In my test scene, I have clouds and birds following waypoints. When I do precisely the same thing in my level, it will not work.
FPSC Tool Maker
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Playing: Hard to get
Posted: 6th Dec 2010 22:46
Was the test scene done in X10 also? If so, can you post your scripts?

Mystic-Mod: Putting the fear back into sliced bread since 4th May 2010
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Posted: 7th Dec 2010 00:12

I'm just using the standard "appearnogravity.fpi" and "follownorotate.fpi" scripts. Everything is X10.

It's hilariously frustrating, cause I can just start a new level, add the platform and the way points, and it works perfect. I do precisely the same thing in my actual game level and it just sits there.

There are no obstacles blocking its path or anything like that.

Thank you for helping me.
FPSC Tool Maker
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Playing: Hard to get
Posted: 7th Dec 2010 14:52
Have you tried removing the waypoints and objects and putting them back in again? If that doesn't work, could you upload your map, and I'll see if I can find a problem.

Mystic-Mod: Putting the fear back into sliced bread since 4th May 2010

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