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FPS Creator X10 / Virus problem.

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Posted: 7th Dec 2010 00:10
Ok so I was wondering if anyone else has been having a virus problem with FPS Creator 10

Apparently whenever you start up FPSC10, it drops an engine file called dbproanimationdebug.dll. At first I thought I was just unlucky and had somehow magically contracted a virus that infected FPSC10 (however unlikely), but i downloaded a game created by another user from these forums, and my anti-virus freaked out over the same file that was also in their game. Even more so, I downloaded the Modeler SDK on the FPSC10 page and it had the virus/goodware in it too!

I thought it was just my AV being retarded but i ran the file through Virus total and 11 out of 42 AVs think its a virus. Here is a link to the report.

ON TOP OF ALL THAT, I cant seem to get Kaspersky (my AV) to disregard those files, so I have to pause my AV protection just to use FPSC10, otherwise it crashes (FPSC)

So, is there a work around for this file? Is it a virus? if not then why is this problem occurring? is anyone else getting this problem? Are the Devs aware of this serious problem? virus or not, many people wont be able to play these games if their AV removes a critical file when they go to start it. Any ideas or thoughts?
FPSC Tool Maker
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Posted: 7th Dec 2010 14:55
It seems to be a problem with your AV, because as long as you installed from the CD (the legal way), you shouldn't get any viruses.

Mystic-Mod: Putting the fear back into sliced bread since 4th May 2010
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Posted: 7th Dec 2010 16:15
Its odd however that my AV freaks out from any download off this site with that file in it. Also Kaspersky isnt the only AV that has a problem with this file. I'm trying to get kaspersky to stop processing this file but it doesnt want to stop removing it.

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