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FPS Creator X10 / New to FPSx10

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Posted: 7th Dec 2010 02:16
Was wondering what the limitations of the engine are. I am using maya to create everything even the levels. What is the poly limit i should stay around, how big can the textures be, what is the scale set for the engine to i don't model to big, ect. I just don't want to go overboard with characters and weapons and have a slow game. Also with animations, are they saved out as individual files with looped animation. And if so, how many could one character have.
Thank you
FPSC Tool Maker
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Posted: 7th Dec 2010 14:43
Quote: " I am using maya to create everything even the levels"

I don't that that will work too well, because of how Dark AI characters move around, I don't think that they will interact well with the level.

As for sizes, if you open up the included models and take a look at them, you will see what size they should be. The animations included in the models are the ones that need to be in your models, because DBP uses animations based on frames.

Mystic-Mod: Putting the fear back into sliced bread since 4th May 2010
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Posted: 7th Dec 2010 19:41
Thank you for the info. So I guess it's recommended to build out a base scene within FPS then use Maya to make all buildings trash cans and so forth. Is there a hand book or guide that I can follow other than the tutorials offered by the website?
FPSC Tool Maker
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Posted: 7th Dec 2010 23:03 Edited at: 7th Dec 2010 23:49
I don't know how much info the Community guide offers on models, but I'd assume it would be fairly in depth. The community guide can be found here. And yes, using Maya to create entities and then place them in, is the best idea.

Mystic-Mod: Putting the fear back into sliced bread since 4th May 2010
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Posted: 8th Dec 2010 19:38
Awesome resource.....thank you

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