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Dark Physics & Dark A.I. & Dark Dynamix / Dark AI and Dark Lights clash

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Joined: 28th Sep 2010
Location: Australia
Posted: 14th Dec 2010 07:11
When you run either Dark Lights or Dark AI both of them Clash saying they have Functions already being Defined in the other Library can we expect the game creators to fix this? considering Dark AI and Dark Lights are very expensive considering they do not work together it seems

All it takes is:

LMStart ( );
AIStart ( );

for the compiler to come up with this error

Here is the Error Message:

1>DarkAI.lib(DarkAI.obj) : error LNK2005: "void __cdecl InvalidPointer(void)" (?InvalidPointer@@YAXXZ) already defined in darklights.lib(LightMapper.obj)
1>DarkAI.lib(DarkAI.obj) : error LNK2005: "char * errStr" (?errStr@@3PADA) already defined in darklights.lib(LightMapper.obj)
1>DarkAI.lib(DarkAI.obj) : error LNK2005: "struct sObject * (__cdecl* g_GetObject)(int)" (?g_GetObject@@3P6APAUsObject@@H@ZA) already defined in darklights.lib(LightMapper.obj)
1>DarkAI.lib(DarkAI.obj) : error LNK2005: "int (__cdecl* g_ObjectExist)(int)" (?g_ObjectExist@@3P6AHH@ZA) already defined in darklights.lib(LightMapper.obj)
1>DarkAI.lib(DarkAI.obj) : error LNK2005: "void (__cdecl* g_PositionObject)(int,float,float,float)" (?g_PositionObject@@3P6AXHMMM@ZA) already defined in darklights.lib(LightMapper.obj)
1>DarkAI.lib(DarkAI.obj) : error LNK2005: "bool (__cdecl* g_CalcObjectWorld)(struct sObject *)" (?g_CalcObjectWorld@@3P6A_NPAUsObject@@@ZA) already defined in darklights.lib(LightMapper.obj)
1>DarkAI.lib(DarkAI.obj) : error LNK2005: "void (__cdecl* g_CalculateAbsoluteWorldMatrix)(struct sObject *,struct sFrame *,struct sMesh *)" (?g_CalculateAbsoluteWorldMatrix@@3P6AXPAUsObject@@PAUsFrame@@PAUsMesh@@@ZA) already defined in darklights.lib(LightMapper.obj)
1>Debug\Knight.exe : fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found

Thanks for your time allot of other people are having the same problem

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