I tried to modify the scripts, with the original script the AI just stood there. My new script is:
;Artificial Intelligence Script
;By Ben Grady
desc= entity follows where the player goes
:state=0:state=1,fpgcrawtext="initscript state 1"
:state=1,plrcanbeseen:state=2,fpgcrawtext="see him, state 2"
:state=2,plrdistfurther=100:state=3,fpgcrawtext="can't see him, State 3"
:state=3:followplr=10,animate=5,fpgcrawtext="follow him"
:state=3,plrdistwithin=100:state=2,fpgcrawtext="change into State 2"
;End Of Script
Now I have the problem, that the AI moves to the corner of the room and get stuck.
Can anybody point me to the mistake in the script?