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2D All the way! / !!!2D main menu help!!!, and yes, my name was accidentally set as what it is -.-'' can't chance

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Posted: 28th Dec 2010 00:20
Ok so how do i get my own bitmap as background to my Main Menu, should i convert it to something else? as JPG or smthing, i mean the bitmap. i want all the text to read in it. Thnx to anyone hwo helps im desparate

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Posted: 28th Dec 2010 00:29
oh... and btw does anyone know if i can change my forum name "my games are free" if i talk to TGC:s forum admins? because i accidentally but that offtopic: i know

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Posted: 28th Dec 2010 03:56
Assuming you are using DBPro, there are a few ways you could accomplish this:
1. You could load your image in and use the TEXTURE BACKDROP command to keep it in the background while your Main menu info is displayed.
2. You could also simply paste the background image there first and paste all of your main menu graphics on top of it.
3. You could also use sprites and set their priority accordingly.

Quote: "oh... and btw does anyone know if i can change my forum name "my games are free""

I believe you could email a MOD and request the name change.

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Posted: 28th Dec 2010 12:16
im getting black screen which just flashes quickly an vanishes what's wrong

sync on
sync rate 60
load image "media\main_menu.bmp",1,1
paste image 1,0,0

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Posted: 28th Dec 2010 12:47
You're welcome......

There does not appear to be anything wrong with the code you posted (btw, click the CODE tag, paste your code, click the CODE tag again to put it in a snippet). My guess is that the file "main_menu.bmp" either does not exist or is not in the correct folder. A 'media' folder must exist and be located within the same folder that your .dba file is. The 'main_menu.bmp' file must be inside that.

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Posted: 28th Dec 2010 12:56 Edited at: 28th Dec 2010 14:16
oh yea.. sorry i forgot to thank you. you know it's morning in here and im still little tired . umm so where is this .dba file, thanks
P.S. I made that main_menu.bmp with gimp, does that affect it much ?:o...
waitt, it isnt morning -.- it just feels like it because i just woke up
P.S.2 i think i have figured it out, but not sure...

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Posted: 28th Dec 2010 17:03 Edited at: 28th Dec 2010 17:04
The .dba file is located wherever your DBPro file is saved on your computer.

Using Gimp shouldn't make any difference at all. If you wanted to double-check to see if the file is corrupt, you could try to load it into MS Paint. If it won't load, there likely is a problem with it. If it loads okay, then the issue is probably somewhere else. Perhaps you don't have a filename spelled exactly right or the folders are not set up right.

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Posted: 28th Dec 2010 19:08
okay thnx , i choosed to make almost everything else first and then do teh main menu

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Posted: 29th Dec 2010 01:59 Edited at: 2nd Jan 2011 20:53
okay, i got it working though i have to mess with the size of the image for little more time, and think how to get it work on fullscreen
[edit] all working now
ok i can't change the name oh well i think i will use another account

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