Hello Rafale,
I think it's in the manual. I can't be certain, as I haven't integrated it into my games yet, but there's a few sections in the manual that describe it:
"To activate the radar, you'll need to run the setupradar.fpi from
the WASP mod script folder. Once set up, it's all ready to go, but
remains invisible until turned on. The radar uses the file and path
specified in the setupradar.fpi to show characters."
I'm guessing you can put it into a trigger zone to initialize it.
"Radar=x where x=1 will turn the radar on, x=0 will turn it off.
Remember the radar will need to be set up first.
Radarshowfacing=x, where if x=1 then the radar blip will be
rotated to show it's direction of facing."
Maybe setup a trigger zone with setupradar.fpi and another with radar=1 and/or radarshowfacing=1? Or you can tweak the scripts and run all of them from one trigger zone.
"Armon = x 1=Turn on body armour, 0=No body armour, damage
is deducted from armour before health.
SetArmx=x, X cord of the armour display
SetArmy=x, Y cord of the armour display
SetArm=x, Sets body armour value to X
ArmInc=X, add X to your current body armour
ArmDec=X, subtract X from your current armour."
Maybe use another initial trigger zone set to armon=1 or just put that in a script when the player picks up a suit of armor. The trigger zone might work better, as you can also specify the setarmx and setarmy parameters at the same time.
I don't know if that was any help. I'm digging into scripting right now, but I haven't integrated this stuff yet. I like the Wasp mod, though. Good stuff! The Compass is indispensable.
"We believe whatever we want to believe."