Sorry to bother you guys once more but i decided to improve[/href] editor.
I ve added some basic stuff like error corection (it crashed every time you mispelled a model filename),clone object,delete object and planning to add rotation.But i have a begginer problem that i need your help.
When i load a .x model in darkbasic it does not have the same xyz system as 3dsmax for example.So the front view of 3d max is the up view up view for darkbasic.Of course i know how to rotate the model.But in the editor there is some code that confuse me.
ang#=object angle y(object)
yrotate object object,camera angle y():move object object,mousemovey()
yrotate object object,camera angle y()+90:move object object,-mousemovex()
yrotate object object,ang#
This is the code that handles the model after i click on it.While i load the model to face me with the front view when this code kicks in it turns my model to face down.I dont know what to change to keep moving my model in the x and z axis.After this code it moves in the y and z axis.
Well i am impatient i guess or lazy to figure out that the model has its own axxis system and i need to correct the above code.
Anyway if someone got it and would like to help me plz post your answer.The full source is attached.Thank you.