I have a set of crosshairs for model packs 9 and 10, and have been told that it can not have the crosshairs disabled when zoomed, and enabled when not.
However, when I was reading through the Project Blue manual, I saw the command
I imagine that it would go in the script for the iron sight when it enters, but I could not find where to put this commands counter, for when you zoom out - showcrosshair
I have a few different scripts for my crosshairs, none of them were coded by me. I'll post the most common layout for them. Whoever coded theese, sorry, I've forgotten your username, and you don't seem to have included who to put credit to anywhere in these.
If anyone can help me, please don't hesitate to post.
;44SNUB weapon spec 117
;Requires FPSC v1.17
;START TWEAKABLES-----------------
;GUN Settings
damage = 40
damagetype = 1
scorchtype = 1
reloadqty = 5
accuracy = 1
simplezoomacc = 0.7
runacc = 8
range = 4000
noautoreload = 1
nofullreload = 1
;Recoil Settings
recoily = 70
recoilyreturn = 90
recoilx = 5
recoilxreturn = 80
zoomrecoily = 60
zoomrecoilyreturn = 90
zoomrecoilx = 3
zoomrecoilxreturn = 95
;Handling Settings
zoomaccuracy = 10
simplezoomspeed = 3
zoomwalkspeed = 0.3
zoomturnspeed = 0.2
zoomgunlagspeed = 3
zoomgunlagxmax = 2
zoomgunlagymax = 1
gunlagspeed = 10
gunlagxmax = 3
gunlagymax = 3
runy = -1
;END TWEAKABLES-----------------
;GUN Visuals
muzzlecolorr = 252
muzzlecolorg = 150
muzzlecolorb = 54
muzzleflash = 4
muzzlesize = 25
brass = 4
smokedecal = gunsmoke
textured =
effect = effectbank\BumpCubeReflectAlpha\BumpCubeReflectAlpha.fx
transparency = 1
weapontype = 1
simplezoom = 1
zoomscope =
;GUN Sounds
sound1 = fire.wav
sound2 = reload.wav
sound3 = dryfire.wav
sound4 = retrieve.wav
sound5 = putaway.wav
fireloop = 0
;HUD sound frames list
soundframes = 5
sframe0 = 65,1
sframe1 = 86,2
sframe2 = 1,4
sframe3 = 222,5
sframe4 = 248,2
;HUD model position
rotx = -4.5
roty = 6.14
rotz = 0
horiz = 4.2
vert = 0.75
forward = 14.5
simplezoomx = -2.745
simplezoomy = 0.92
simplezoommod = 3
;HUD muzzleflash position
alignx = 3
aligny = 0.5
alignz = 22
simplezoomflash = 1
zoomalignx = 2.5
zoomaligny = 0.5
zoomalignz = 14
;HUD animation frames list
keyframe ratio = 1
select = 1,9
[b]hidecrosshair ?[/b]
idle = 10,38
move = 40,60
start fire = 63,65
end fire = 66,77
reload = 240,322
putaway = 222,231
simplezoomanim = 1
zoomto = 10,10
zoomfrom = 10,10
zoom idle = 10,10
zoom move = 40,60
zoom start fire = 63,65
zoom end fire = 66,77
I'm that thing you catch a glimpse of in the corner of your eye...
The flash when you readjust the rear view mirror...