Well, I recently got Project Blue 1.8C and then wanted to try out Plystire's Humv drive script and everything works except the Humv doesn't want to move anywhere no matter what buttons I use/push.
Here is the script (I made some adjustments because I saw a few things wrong with it but nothing major to cause it not to work.)
;Requires Ply's Mod V1.07+
;Artificial Intelligence Script
desc = HumVee Drive Script (Vehikleh!!!!)
;///// Load up HUD and Humvee camera, set humvee cam offsets for third person perspective
;///// Dim variables necessary
:state=0:offsetcamy=HumveeCam 150,offsetcamfore=HumveeCam -75
:state=0:dimvar=Temp,dimvar=TempX,dimvar=TempY,dimvar=HAccel,setvar=HAccel 0.5,dimvar=HVel,dimvar=HMaxVel
;///// Show Use HUD when player approaches
;///// If player activates SpyBot, then disable plr input using startmenu
;///// and view through the humvee third person camera, also loop motor sound
;///// Hide The Player HUDs
;///// Make sure Camera follows the Humvee
:state=3:cameraposx=HumveeCam $EPX,cameraposy=HumveeCam $EPY,cameraposz=HumveeCam $EPZ
:state=3:cameraposx=0 $EPX,cameraposy=0 $EPY,cameraposz=0 $EPZ
;///// Give Humvee acceleration
:state=3,plrusingrun=0:setvar=HMaxVel 15
:state=3,plrusingrun=1:setvar=HMaxVel 25
:state=3:setanimspeed=100,setvar=TempX 0
:state=3:setvar=Temp %HMaxVel,mulvar=Temp -1,divvar=Temp 2
:state=3,keypressed=17 1,plrusingrun=1,varless=HVel %HMaxVel:addvar=HVel %HAccel,addvar=HVel %HAccel,setvar=TempX 1
:state=3,keypressed=17 1,plrusingrun=0,varless=HVel %HMaxVel:addvar=HVel %HAccel,setvar=TempX 1
:state=3,keypressed=31 1,plrusingrun=1,vargreater=HVel %Temp:subvar=HVel %HAccel,subvar=Hvel %HAccel,setvar=TempX 1
:state=3,keypressed=31 1,plrusingrun=0,vargreater=HVel %Temp:subvar=HVel %HAccel,setvar=TempX 1
;///// Handle Humvee Velocity and movement
:state=3,varless=HVel 0:setanimspeed=-100
:state=3:setvar=Temp %HAccel,divvar=Temp 2
:state=3,varequal=TempX 0,vargreater=HVel 0:subvar=HVel %Temp
:state=3,varequal=TempX 0,varless=HVel 0:addvar=HVel %Temp
:state=3,keypressed=57 1,vargreater=HVel 0:subvar=HVel %HAccel
:state=3,keypressed=57 1,varless=HVel 0:addvar=HVel %HAccel
;///// If moving, then start angling Humvee towards direction camera is facing
:state=3,varequal=TempX 1:state=10
:state=10:setvar=TempY $CAY_HumveeCam,subvar=TempY $EAY
:state=10,vargreater=TempY 180:state=11
:state=10,varless=TempY -180:state=12
:state=11:setvar=TempX $EAY,addvar=TempX -2,entityangley=%TempX,state=3
:state=12:setvar=TempX $EAY,addvar=TempX 2,entityangley=%TempX,state=3
:state=10:setvar=TempY $CAY_HumveeCam,addvar=TempY -3
:state=10,varless=$EAY %TempY:setvar=TempX $EAY,addvar=TempX 2,entityangley=%TempX
:state=10:setvar=TempY $CAY_HumveeCam,addvar=TempY 3
:state=10,vargreater=$EAY %TempY:setvar=TempX $EAY,addvar=TempX -2,entityangley=%TempX
;///// Restore normal FPS Cam when "G" is pressed
;///// Need to restore player control with "stopmenu" and view the normal camera and stop motor sound
:state=3,keypressed=34 1:state=4
;///// Make humvee cam look around based on mouse movement
:state=3:setvar=TempX $MMY,setvar=TempY $MMX,divvar=TempX 7,divvar=TempY 7,addvar=TempX $CAX_HumveeCam,addvar=TempY $CAY_HumveeCam
:state=3:cameraangx=HumveeCam %TempX,cameraangy=HumveeCam %TempY
;///// Show the Player HUDs again
;///// Position Player outside of driver door
:state=4:cameraposx=HumveeCam $EPX,cameraposy=HumveeCam $EPY,cameraposz=HumveeCam $EPZ
:state=4:setvar=TempY $EAY,subvar=TempY 90
:state=4:cameraangx=HumveeCam 0,cameraangy=HumveeCam %TempY,cameraangz=HumveeCam 0
:state=4:movecam=HumveeCam 70
:state=4:setvar=TempX $CPX_HumveeCam,cameraposx=0 %TempX
:state=4:setvar=TempX $CPY_HumveeCam,addvar=TempX 100,cameraposy=0 %TempX
:state=4:setvar=TempX $CPZ_HumveeCam,cameraposz=0 %TempX
:state=4:addvar=TempY 90,cameraangy=HumveeCam %TempY
:state=4:cameraangy=0 %TempY
;End of Script
If someone (maybe Plystire since this is your script after all) could please help me that would be great!