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DarkBASIC Discussion / A question about ping pong

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Posted: 18th Nov 2002 07:50

I was trying to make a ping pong game and I have a working model, like the ball can move and the paddle moves and stops at screen edges. The problem I have is how to work the ball physics - like how to I get the ball to move in a consistent direction, and how to get collision detection to deflect the ball, etc. Any help is appreciated!
Shadow Robert
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Posted: 18th Nov 2002 07:58
i'd recommend searching the internet about Vectors
they will be very helpful to you!

DBpro has them builtin ... so perhaps checkout how that uses them too - once you have Vectors down reproducing the physics require for rebound is simple Trig and speed will depend on Reaction Forces

Anata aru kowagaru no watashi!
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Posted: 18th Nov 2002 07:58
Thanks man

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Posted: 18th Nov 2002 08:14
If you are using Dark BASIC(Not Dark BASIC Pro, just Dark BASIC)theres a tutorial for collisions. At the Dark Basic site ( the "Create" secton. That might help your collision problems.

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Posted: 18th Nov 2002 15:53
Hey I was just thinking lately how PC's lack Ping pong games...and boxing too but that's another debate.

Looking forward to see that.

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Posted: 19th Nov 2002 02:15
You know way back in the day when I was programming games like pong and tron on my calculator, that question came up too. I found the best way to keep the ball in a not so realistic yet working motion:
Ball position is A,B (it's a 2d field, overhead view)
It's movement per turn is C,D
In the loop the code is
So if you started out with c and d being 1, it would add 1 to the horizontal position and 1 to the vertical position of the ball in each loop. If it hit a wall on the left or right side, it would reverse C. So C=-C. If it hit a wall on the top or bottom it would reverse D. So D=-D.

So if it's moving up and right, both C and D are 1. If it hits the right wall, it reverse C so that it is moving up (D is still 1) but it is going LEFT because C is now -1. And A=A-1 will make the ball move left. Get what I'm saying?

It's a very effective, though not too realistic method, for keeping track of your balls.
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Posted: 19th Nov 2002 11:08
I got the vector math x = x1 - x2
Is this correct? I am not good with physics or math, but once I get an idea of what I am doing I can implement it like nuts


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Posted: 19th Nov 2002 14:38
X=X1-X2? That sounds like a not complete forumla for slope, where slope = (Y2-Y1)/(X2-X1) That's when you have two Y points, y1 and y2, and two x points, x1 and x2. That gives you the slope in terms of rise/run. Is that what you wanted?
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Posted: 20th Nov 2002 02:49
YES! that is what I meant, but thanks for clarifying it for me. This is forum is good, I tried other game programming language forums and they suck. Thanks a lot guys, I will post when I complete my game

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Posted: 20th Nov 2002 03:49
OK one more question, my code doesn't seem functional and I have no idea what I am doing wrong, any suggestions on this chunk would be helpful. Also sprite 2 is the ball...

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Posted: 20th Nov 2002 04:13
I changed the code to what I think is logical and it still isn't working... so any ideas are apprecitated! Thanks again in advance

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