ok heres what im trying to do, make a story zone become a quiktime entity by making it so when u press a button it moves to the next video assuming you pressed it on time. is it possible to put ,ore than one video in a single story zone, and if not is there anyway around it? heres what i got so far
;Entity Spec
desc = Story Zone
;AI For Trigger
aiinit = appear1.fpi
aimain = storyinzone.fpi
aidestroy = disappear1.fpi
ifused =
soundset = videobank\storyvideo.AVI
soundset1 = videobank\storyvideo.AVI
soundset2 = videobank\storyvideo.AVI
model = cube.X
offy = 25
textured = cube_story_D.tga
scale = 100
fixnewy = 0
forwardfacing = 2
;Marker Extras
ismarker = 3
markerindex = 1
isobjective = 0
;Trigger Extras
areax = 0,0
areay = 0,0
areaz = 0,0
i just changed the sound sets but i can only have 2 when i edit the entity