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Dark Physics & Dark A.I. & Dark Dynamix / Adjusting body relative to camera

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Joined: 22nd Oct 2008
Location: Indiana
Posted: 3rd Feb 2011 04:40
Hello. Haven't really messed around too much with Dark Physics so I dusted it off and decided to try recreating physics similar to Marble Blast( I've been missing Marble Blast Online ). I got it working relatively easy with one exception. I'm having difficulty applying torque relative to the camera's y rotation. I'm sure someone else has done something similar so I would like to ask how. I'd assume that you would use sin in the calculation, but thats one aspect of math that has puzzled me. Thanks for any help.

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Joined: 22nd Oct 2008
Location: Indiana
Posted: 3rd Feb 2011 19:01
How about a command for applying torque based on an angle instead of on all three axis? I could use a dummy object along with move object to find the calculation I'd need, but that doesn't seem too elegant and would like to avoid that route.
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Joined: 22nd Oct 2008
Location: Indiana
Posted: 4th Feb 2011 03:09 Edited at: 4th Feb 2011 07:15
Eventually was able to get it by using the following:

Hope it may help someone else as well.

Edit: Attached a Demo of my progress.


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