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Dark Physics & Dark A.I. & Dark Dynamix / Vehicle wheels rotate on wrong axis

Mic 11 12
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Joined: 7th Mar 2010
Posted: 4th Feb 2011 04:01
My Vehicle's wheels spin on X axis instead of Z axis like they're supposed to in Dark Physics. The vehicle is not rigged. I was wondering also if rigging is the only solution, why does it work when referencing the wheels directly does not?
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Joined: 7th Apr 2007
Location: USA
Posted: 5th Feb 2011 19:25
phy set vehicle wheel rotation ID, wheel, direction is normally used to get the wheels spinning correctly.

What format is the model you are using (.3ds maybe?) I always rig the models and then adjust the limbs using the example program to get it working right.

I would be willing to rig your model for you if you want and then export it in .x format for use with DP. You can email it to me if you would like. It will be tomorrow before I can do anything though. If you want to send your code I can see if I can get it to work.

Mic 11 12
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Joined: 7th Mar 2010
Posted: 8th Feb 2011 03:08
Thanks for the offer but I figured out what was wrong. I used a new blender .x exporter and did a few other things to make sure the local coords were correct.

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