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FPS Creator X10 / Help with waterfall effect

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Posted: 23rd Feb 2011 15:25
Hey all. I am new to FPS Creator and need some help. I am using FPSC X10 with update v1.11 and having trouble understanding how to get a realistic water effect using the Metro Theater model pack. Whenever I place a waterfall or puddle in my scene and test level or build, the water looks flat and non-animated like in the old Duke Nukem 3D game (if you remember that one, you may be as old as I am). Nonetheless, the water is static, non-moving and cartoonish yet I can still hear the sound effects.

Is there something additional I need to do with the scripting or any other settings that I neglected to modify - or understand?

Thanks for any help.

Windows 7 Enterprise 64Bit, Svc Pack 1
Intel Core 2 Quad 8200 - 2.33GHz
4 GB Ram
Nvidia GeForce 9500GT 512 MB
Le Shorte
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Posted: 25th Feb 2011 01:56
The Metro Theater shaders do not work with x10, as it uses PS2.0, while x10 uses PS4.0

I reject your stereotype of Wisconsin and, in fact, live in a city.
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Posted: 25th Feb 2011 22:04
Hey le shorte. Thanks for the info. I went to X9 to test out my levels and got the same basic results. Leads me to believe there is something else at play here. Probably a combination of my card on Win7. I might try a different graphics card - although I thought mine was decent. Also may try a different OS (XP or Vista).

If you can think of anything else I could try, let me know.
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Posted: 28th Feb 2011 16:56
Man...I just bought this model pack. Came here to post this thread with the hope that I was crazy.

This now also explains many other problems I've had...

Maybe it's time to switch....
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Posted: 28th Feb 2011 17:20
Alright...I'm done feeling sorry myself so....

Is there anyway to convert ps2 shaders to ps4? Is there any way to use Dark Shader with x10?

Okay so I'm not entirely done feeling sorry for myself. I can't tell you how much time I have spent trying to get certain shader effects to work in x10 only to end up with a glowing object. I can not figure out how to get spec maps to work in x10. I have reverse engineered examples and recreated them precisely yet they do not work.

Le Shorte, you seem to be the only knowledgeable person who consistently posts on the x10 forum. Can you give us an explanation of how to use shaders in x10, which shaders will work, and how we can create our own custom shaders?

Many thanks!
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Posted: 28th Feb 2011 17:37
Oi...I just noticed that all of the shader effects in Dark Shader are ps 2 or earlier. oh man oh man...

Perhaps a sticky thread about shaders in x10 would be a good idea so other people don't waste 100s of hours hitting their head against the wall trying to get ps2 shaders to work.
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Posted: 28th Feb 2011 18:30
How come "bumpent.fx" in FPSCx10 appears to be a ps 2 shader? This is copy and paste from the end of the file:

// same vertex shader for both DX9 techniques
VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 mainVS();
PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 mainPS();

Perhaps I should consolidate my posts or start another thread? I don't know the preferred protocol for these things and I apologize if I am spamming this thread. This topic just opened up a whole can of worms for me.
Le Shorte
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Posted: 1st Mar 2011 00:00
Quote: "Can you give us an explanation of how to use shaders in x10, which shaders will work, and how we can create our own custom shaders?"

Until some epic shader artist comes and gives us a bunch of PS4.0 shaders, we have to deal with the x10 stock ones. I haven't a clue how to write shaders, though I'm trying to learn how, as I have Dark Shader.

Quote: "Is there anyway to convert ps2 shaders to ps4?"

To my knowledge, not unless you rewrite them.

Quote: "I can not figure out how to get spec maps to work in x10."

I think the spec maps need to be in a folder within the Texturebank folder...

I reject your stereotype of Wisconsin and, in fact, live in a city.
science boy
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Posted: 1st Mar 2011 01:14 Edited at: 1st Mar 2011 01:45
well the virus pack was ps2.0 and i converted them to ps4.0 or maybe still 2.0 not sure on the names, but the best thing to do is as i did on the virus pack is mimic the water files to the x10 formula.

for instance, i just changed to dds and then played with the effects, ie i made specs and norm maps and then used the x10 shaders this worked a treat and so i have a lovely fully working set of virus characters along with the zombie holocaust, so i may indulge in the theatre pack, but i am fantasy not modern.( yes i changed a lot of the zombies clothing for ye olde style) it can be done there is always a work around i have found.

guys you need to check out the shader guide on here,

you will need gimp
and paint net.

and find the files for making normal maps and a dds converter.

the guide is done by nomad soul i think. i will check so type at the bottom of thread nomad soul and x10 tutorials will appear for you to learn and understand.
a picture to show it works and is possible.

an unquenchable thirst for knowledge of game creation!!!


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Posted: 1st Mar 2011 18:57
Thanks, guys. I've got a couple CS grad students who work in graphics that are going to give a quick look at the problem. The initial response is that the ps shaders should be backward compatible, so as Science Boy says, it's probably possible to rework the files to function in x10.

Will update you all on any progress or lack thereof.

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