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FPS Creator X10 / d3dx10_40.dll stand alone game

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Joined: 7th Mar 2011
Posted: 7th Mar 2011 08:08
I created a test level and when i try to run it on another pc i get a d3dx10_40.dll error and a dbprosetup3d10 error. I've installed the latest dx10 and still get the errors. Anyone have a fix?
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Joined: 21st Oct 2010
Posted: 15th Mar 2011 22:12
I have the same problem since updating to v1.11.
Plus my menus have changed potion = so it looks like a trial version.

I am dying to get going and create worlds using water (something else I've yet to figure out).

Help would be greatly appreciated!
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Joined: 22nd Apr 2008
Location: Canada
Posted: 23rd Mar 2011 07:27
Make sure the system you are trying to run it on has all the latest video drivers as well DX10.1 (Download)

Hope this helps

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