First off this script will never get out of state=0
Neither of the two line point to another state that exists in the current code.
Download the FPI Edit pad in the top section of the script section.
That will at least give you the commands and basic meanings.
This script was probably the worse one you could start with.
It is incomplete.
On a piece of paper Do This:
What do you want the Character to do when spawned. (Idle or Intro)
How close do you want the player to be when this character is activated? 100, 200, 300, then what do you want it to do (Walk towards player or attack or what ever)
When a set distance from the player within 100. What do you want the character to do to the player. (random Melee attacks) Player loses points, HUDs display.
Can the player inflict damage back
When the player inflicts enough damage to the character, Play death animation and destroy the character. Respawn new ones, Unhide Keys, Open doors, What ever.
Can the character kill the player.
Use a script like this one I modified:
;Artificial Intelligence Script
desc = Nakita Ranger Char AI
;From Melee10 script and bond1 Zombie Modified by Pirate Myke
;Set FPSGtext Paramiters - *Works
;Keep enemy moving towards player Slow Walk
;:state=1,plrdistfurther=200:rotatetoplr,movefore=2,animate=2,fpgcrawtext=I'm coming for you Adam
;Lift Rope and show lotto
;:State=1:setframe=7,fpgcrawtext=Come Get Some,State=24
;attack player and react to hit from player
:state=32,framebeyond=22 38:hudshow=SwordSlash,hudfadeout=SwordSlash,rotatetoplr,State=32
:State=33,framebeyond=23 42:hudshow=CloseSlashOP,hudfadeout=CloseSlashOP,rotatetoplr,State=33
;hit animation
;Melee animation
:State=34,framebeyond=24 45:hudshow=CloseSlash,hudfadeout=CloseSlash,state=34
:State=34,framebeyond=24 77:state=1
;Get up sequence - Works
:State=10,plrdistfurther=100,alphafadeequal=100:advframe=9 100,State=11
;End of Script
Adjust the distances to your taste. Replace the anim numbers with yours or adjust your FPE file to accomidate this script.
This should get you started.
You will still need to do some changes for your situation.
Download FPI Edit pad it is a great tool. I had uploaded the actions and conditions to 118.8 at the end of the file.
Scripting hints. Pay attention to the :'s
Hope this helps out a bit
Nothing but coffee in my veins 'Insomnia is Coming'