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3 Dimensional Chat / Using animated objects

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Joined: 18th Nov 2002
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Posted: 19th Nov 2002 01:23
Hello everyone. I am new to DB and having a problem using animated objects. I use 3ds Max 4.0 and Maya 4.5. I have exported both .x files and .3ds files and cannot get them to animate in DB. I am using version 1.2 not pro. When I try to run the .x file, I get an error message of (cannot animate object). When I try to run .3ds file, I dont get any errors, but the object doesnt animate. Can anyone please tell me what I am doing wrong. And perhaps suggest a different program to export from. I use polytrans to export .x files. Thanks.
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Joined: 18th Nov 2002
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Posted: 23rd Nov 2002 04:00
I finally got it to work. I didnt know DB had a converter. Finally!

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