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Dark GDK / Smooth movement?

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Joined: 30th Mar 2011
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 31st Mar 2011 01:06
I'm trying to make a game, that involves driving a car. Now, I would like to make driving realistic, where you slowly speed up by pressing the key, and visa versa. However, I noticed dbMoveSprite uses integers, and not float points. Because of this, I can't think of a way to make gradual speeding up. Does anybody know of a solution?

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Joined: 12th Dec 2009
Posted: 31st Mar 2011 04:14
You can use 3d planes instead of sprites, this would allow you to easily zoom too. Just have you camera at a fixed z position and only move the camera and all your 3d planes on the x and y axis.
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Posted: 31st Mar 2011 14:45
you move in pixels and they don't take floats, you make your own system to handle this where you can use floats and convert them to ints when you use dbMoveSprite

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