One thing I would like would be for the person making the levels to be able to place zones which will set a global variable. Say I wanted the ally to crouch to follow me through a narrow gap, there would be a trigger zone that works like so:
and then at the other end of the gap, there could be another zone which sets the variable to 0 again.
And please forgive me if my ai scripting is incorrect... I havent even looked sideways at AI scripting simce maybe christmas. But anyway, that would allow the designer to make the ally crouch at a certain area. It would probably be better if it detected the entity in that zone instead of the player though. Anyway, this could be done with other settings, such as engage and disengage enemy, which would all be detected in the enemy's main script. Pretty much similar to my last post but that's a few more ideas, which should all be somewhat easy to implement.
Also, I just remembered that I should let you know, I just downloaded the scripts now. I had trouble all the way back then but it's not a problem any more. I am starting to think that it may have been my computer. Not long after I tried to download, I had problems with 1.18, but they were probably different.